ADA & Web Accessibility Guidelines Are Now Enforced GLOBALLY -
Act Now Or You & Your Clients Could Be Sued For Thousands Of Dollars

"100% Automated Software Finds LASER TARGETED LEADS, Creates STUNNING Website Compliance Audits & Helps Create MASSIVE Agency PROFITS
In Just 3 Simple Steps"

PERFECT For Agencies, Local Marketers & Online Marketers

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Would You Like To Earn Top Dollar By Simply Offering Businesses A UNIQUE Service That Is Absolutely REQUIRED & NEEDED?

Then Put A Stop To Selling Repetitive SEO Packages.

Instead, Present An Essential Solution To The Biggest Problem Faced By Businesses Today.

ADA LEADZ helps you...

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Run Full ADA Website Compliance Audits You Can Charge For.
Filter Active Websites that are NOT ADA Compliant
Generate & Download Professional Print-on-demand PDF REPORTS for areas that the website is NOT ADA Compliant.
Contact and convert clients with our BUILT-IN EMAIL TECHNOLOGY.
Generate ADDITIONAL REPORTS as well including:
SEO Report, Best Practices Report, Performance Report
Use and sell this service on your OWN website and Pages using the FREE Commercial License that is included.

One Time Investment | No Monthly Fees

Here Is ADA In The NEWS!

Business Owners Getting Sued Left & Right - Scary Stuff!

Fox Business News

ABC Action News

NBC News

National Association Of Realtors

In Fact, Check Out how our
cutting edge technology compares to the rest:

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Ada Comply
User Way
ADA Real Time Lead Generation
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API Powerd Lead Scan
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World-Wide Lead Search
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Lead Management System
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Client Managment System
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Leads Categories & Structure
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Instant Lead Audits
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Real Time Leads & Client Dashboard
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Contact Leads Directly From The App
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Done For You Email Templates
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Add Your Own SMTP
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Schedule Lead Emails
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Add Your Own Email Templates
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API Google Search
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Create ADVANCED Website Audits
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Video Tutorials Included
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100% Cloud Based
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SEO Website Audits *
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Performance Audits *
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Best Practices Audits *
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Team Collaboration *
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Lowest Price - One Time

$97 One Time

Monthly Fee

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*Available Via Upgrade

With ADA LEADZ, You Are Just
3 SIMPLE STEPS Away From Earning Top Dollar By

Selling Unique Services

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One Time Investment | No Monthly Fees


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To simply put it, ADA LEADZ will generate local marketing reports that help you assist businesses to become ADA Complaint.

This software has been developed to identify business leads from across the world and find you more clients to convert by just entering a keyword.

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The Benefits That Users Are Noticing:

Look at it this way

...You are not presenting a business with a crisis but actually helping them overcome it!

ADA LEADZ's brilliant-technology knows exactly where the problem is and spells-out the solution in our print-demand ready reports.

Indebted clients turn into loyal customers that means recurring payments for years to come.

Owning This Software Is The Secret To
Acquiring More Clients And Selling More Services

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Simplified Messaging

Send A Message Directly From Inside The Software With Just 1 Click. No Technical Skills Required.

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Across The Globe

Identify Local Businesses On Google That Are In A Difficult Situation And Not ADA Compliant.

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3-Step Conversions

Close Deals Using 3 Simple Steps And Secure High Paying Clients

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Professional Reports

The Highly Optimized Local Ranking & ADA Website Compliance Reports Get Clients To Hire You Almost Instantly

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Ready To Use Swipes

Utilize Pre- Designed/ DFY Client Closing Email Marketing Templates That Have Proven To Develop High Conversion Rates

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One Time Payment

Pay Only Once For ADA Leadz And Receive Pre Qualified Local Leads Without A Monthly Contract

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Video Training

We Are Not Only Offering You Inside Information On Our Local Marketing Secrets But Also Teaching You To Operate This Software To Obtain The Best Results

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Free Commercial License

As A Bonus, ADA Leadz Has A Commercial License Included.

QUESTION: What's The Key To Getting NEW Clients?

ANSWER: Making Clients Trust You As An Authority

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If you want to land international & local marketing must gain authority first.

And for this...

You need a proven attention-grabbing message along with value stacked reports (based on the full ADA Website Compliance website audit that you can run in just a couple of minutes) that will establish you as an authority in the field and get their FULL UNDISPUTED ATTENTION!

If your first impression is not appealing for your leads, chances are you're not going to close any local clients anytime soon.

That's the
main reason why most consultants and marketing agencies out there fail to close their first client

STOP Offering Common Services Like
Thousands Other Consultants Out There

Sell A UNIQUE Service And Make Bank

As you are aware, Most marketers stay in the safe zone and offer the same exhausted services. While we are not discounting the fact that people still need a website, social media presence and some SEO work done, there's just nothing that really stands out.

What we do know however, is that ADA Website Compliance is a MUST. These local businesses can't be without it or they'll face an extremely serious lawsuit.

This is where you come in..

You'll be offering a service to businesses that is impossible to refuse.

For all you know they might even constantly chase you down once they understand what they might lose, unless they are brave enough to pay the ridiculous penalties.

Also, if you already have a few local clients, Imagine the amount of money you can add on to your bottom line by offering ADA LEADZ to them as well!

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This Is An Opportunity To Tap Into a Multi-Billion Dollar Market

Cash in on the first-movers advantage...

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$650 billion dollars. That's what the ADA Website Compliance Website market is valued at today.

 Imagine being able to help businesses save millions of dollars in lawsuits... and being the ONLY one to offer this service

...Running a complete ADA Website Compliance Website Audit in just minutes WITHOUT any technical skills or experience.

And not just this once you have saved a business from incurring an inevitable expense, the business owners will be eager to order any other service that you might offer or any other product that you might want to sell them because they already trust you now big time.

ADA LEADZ puts you in the driver's seat as you'd be able to negotiate from the position of authority armed with professional audit reports.

If Your Answer To Any Of The Following Problems
Is Yes,
Remember - You Are NOT Alone

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You Don't Have A UNIQUE Service Or Product To Offer To YOUR Clients
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You Don't Know How To GENERATE Fresh And Real Leads That Really Need YOUR Local Marketing Services
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You Don't Know How To Contact Leads Or Close A Deal
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You Don't Have Any Experience Of Writing Businesses Proposals Or Talking To Clients
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You Don't Have Enough Knowledge About FINDING & FIXING ADA Website Compliances
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You Don't Know Enough About Optimizing Local Businesses To Help Them Get More Clients

Now, Let's take a look at your options



You can try to convince yourself that online marketing is not for you and give up (even though so many others with less resources have kept going and succeeded)

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You can repeat the mistake of buying me-too software that doesn't solve any real-world problems and blame your lack of success on that.

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Instead, you can invest in ADA Leadz and let this brilliant and powerful app solve all your problems. Its proprietary technology does the work for you by finding pre-qualified non-ADA Compliant leads, creating valuable reports, and even contacting them with proven-to-convert emails.

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An Extraordinary App That Enables You To Set-up Your Own Agency That Focuses On Helping Businesses Stay Safe From Lawsuits And Acquire More Customers

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Get Access To ADA LEADZ's Secret ADA Website Compliance Technology

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Win Clients Across The Web

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Generate and Download Professional Print-On-Demand PDF Reports

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Utilize the Email Marketing Technology With Ready To Use Swipes

One Time Investment | No Monthly Fees

ADA LEADZ Can Help All These Businesses
Struggling from the ADA Website Compliance Crisis:

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Affiliate Marketers, eCom Store Owner, Web Designers

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Diners, Food Trucks

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Coffee Shops

Bars, Clubs, Coffee Shops

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Medical Services, Doctors

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Small Firms

Architects, Accountants

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Motels, Hostels, Resorts

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Social Media Advertisers

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Training Arenas, Swimming Pools

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Body & Paint Shop, Mechanics

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Pet Shops

Animal Foods, Toys, Pet Shops

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Electricians, Plumbers

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Local Bands

Artists, Singers, Local Bands

And many more


In Three Simple Steps:

Step #1

Run A Full ADA Website Compliance Audit

Use ADA LEADZ to quickly find prospects (websites and pages that are NOT ADA Compliant) in seconds based on your keyword.

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Step #2

Generate Professional Print-On-Demand Full Audit Reports

ADA LEADZ will automatically generate reports that detail out all the ways they need to ensure they are ADA Compliant or improve their listing to rank higher.

Step #3

Get Paid...

You can print these reports, send them to the shortlisted leads (or existing leads/clients, and gain instant authority over them and get paid.

If you are cold-mailing you can use any of our DFY proven-to-convert templates to close clients easily.

These templates are available for different types of agencies if you only want to focus on selling one type of service i.e.:
video marketing, local marketing, digital marketing, web design and many others.

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ADA LEADZ Is Extremely Easy To Use,
See For Yourself...

Watch This Demo Video Of ADA LEADZ Right Away

Run Full ADA Website Compliance Audits.
Filter Active Websites that are NOT ADA Compliant
Generate & Download Professional Print-on-demand PDF REPORTS for areas that the website is NOT ADA Compliant.
Contact and convert clients with our BUILT-IN EMAIL TECHNOLOGY.
Generate ADDITIONAL REPORTS as well including:
SEO Report, Best Practices Report, Performance Report
Use and sell this service on your OWN website and Pages using the FREE Commercial License that is included.
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One Time Investment | No Monthly Fees

ADA LEADZ Is Tailor made

For Any New or Experienced Marketers

With a focus on marketing both locally and finding leads online, our software includes a guide to obtaining authority over international markets as well in 2021.

 ADA LEADZ enables you to find leads and generate valuable reports that can convert clients and quickly close deals.

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Revolutionary Software: ADA LEADZ's Proprietary Technology Identifies Non-Compliant Websites And Clients That Are Easy-To-Sell

In this hectic, fast paced lifestyle of 2021, It is Pointless to run an agency business if you don't have technology that lands both international and local clients for you. Thankfully, that's where ADA LEADZ comes in.

If you are serious about running a real agency business today, then don't think twice about getting access to this software.

ADA LEADZ powered by new smart algorithm technology filters websites that are non ADA compliant (and also tells you to what extent), generates print- ready customized reports, and also lands clients with built-in email marketing technology.

Check out ADA LEADZ's Revolutionary Features
That You Will Not Find On Any Other App:


Get Clients from ALL Over The Web

Once you enter your desired keyword, you can get access to those relevant clients irrespective of where their business is in the world. Apply filters to get the best results!

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Research Details About Each Lead Before Saving Them

ADA leadz allows you to view contact information, address, page URL, compliant status, and more. Isn't that cool?

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Sort By Categories and Many Other Filters

There are various filter options you can use to sort and isolate primary leads that you would like to target.

Arrange Data in order and contact leads accordingly.

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Run A Complete ADA Compliance Website Audit

ADA LEADZ then scans the entire website in seconds on complete auto-pilot.

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Create Advanced and Professional ADA Website Compliance Reports

ADA Leadz can automatically produce a detailed report that shows how compliant the website in question is and provide solutions to make them fully compliant and optimized for better results.

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Download Print-On-Demand PDF Reports For Leads

These reports are undeniably impressive and can even be printed on-demand if you want to meet with the client in person or send the report in the mail.

Want Instant authority? These reports are designed exactly for that!

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Organize Campaigns and Manage Leads

Create specific campaigns like "Chiropractors in New York" and add any specific leads you want to each campaign. Keep everything perfectly organized and each lead updated throughout the onboarding process.

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That's not all, enjoy many more features like

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Intuitive UI

User-friendly software and easy to use for everyone

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Tested and Improved App

Our app has been tested by our beta users and ADA Leadz 1.0 users and improved for better results

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In-App Tutorials

Extremely useful and professional tutorials included for all users

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In-App Training

Professional video training included for better results

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Dedicated 24/7 Support Team

Our expert support team is available invariably to answer any questions

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Updated Frequently

Regular updates with new and better features

Too Good To Be True Right?

But There's A Catch

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The catch is we cannot continue to offer ADA LEADZ for this ridiculously low price of a couple of coffees and donuts for much longer.

This "Super" offer at a surprisingly low fee has only been introduced to reward early action-takers (You could be one of the lucky ones). Post this, we must raise the price in order to support the back-end functioning for this cloud technology and to provide you with world-class support.

This is your last chance to obtain access month to month, for a one-time super low fee today. So fair warning, once this launch period ends, ADA LEADZ will soon be sold for a monthly or yearly subscription.

Don't Miss Out!

Get Access Now, And Get Everything
You Need To Succeed Right Away

What if we told you that you can start today?

Yes, Now!

You get instant access.

Don't have experience? Don't worry The entire set up process has been detailed out for you. The cloud-based software does all the hard work and hands you the results on a silver platter.

You can explore leads, understand their problems, reach out with solutions, and eventually convert clients.

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I'm Tempted! I Want This NOW

Let's quickly recap what's in it for you..

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Access to the Cloud-Based app that finds small business leads anywhere in the world in just 60 seconds
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Automatically generated advanced ADA Website Compliance lead magnet PDF reports for clients
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The SECRET System that reveals to you the most unoptimized leads in dire need of help
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DFY High-Converting Client Closing Email Templates crafted to work hand in hand with the professional PDF Reports
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Special Launch Bonuses
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FREE Commercial License

A Quick Recap Of
Everything You Are Getting Today

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  • Find Real Time ADA Leads - Globally!

  • Find Non-Compliant Business Websites

  • Manage Your Leads & Clients Effectively

  • Instant Lead Audit Technology

  • Real Time Prospect & Clients Dashboard

  • Create Beautiful Website Audits & Reports

  • Download Print Ready PDF Audits

  • Contact Leads Directly With Our App

  • Add Your own SMTP if you like

  • Schedule Your Contact Emails

  • Done For You Email Templates

  • Add Your Own Email Templates

  • Prospect Categories Included

  • Video Tutorials Included

  • 100% Cloud Based - Nothing To Download

  • App Support Included

  • Contact 2500 Leads/Month

  • Search 10,000 Leads/Month

  • 150 Website Audits/ Month

Normal Price - $197/Month

Launch Special - One Time Price

One Time Investment | No Monthly Fees


Auto Webinar Profits

This bonus will teach you how to use high converting Webinars to sell your ADA services. You can use ADALeadz to find prospects, then invite them into your webinar funnel (based around your ADA services), and easily convert prospects into clients over and over without ever having to be live on a webinar with them!

This is the perfect bonus for ADALeadz customers who don't have the time to speak face to face with every prospect. Record a webinar once, put it in your auto-webinar funnel, and close prospects over and over again.

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Video Ads Formula

You will LOVE this training because it's 100% based on REAL WORLD results, this is a case study where you get my landing pages, my ads, my targeting - everything! (no theory allowed)

This course is the PERFECT compliment to ADALeadz, because you get to see real world scenarios where I'm using video ads to grow my business and attract customers/prospects.

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One Time Investment | No Monthly Fees

Find Small Businesses And Easily Convince Them
To Hire Your Services We Will Show You How

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is this a monthly fee app?

A. Not if you purchase today. ADA LEADZ is currently being offered for no monthly fees only through this limited offer deal. You'll get full access to everything you see here for a one-time low price.

Q. Does this work for Mac and PC?

A. Yes. ADA LEADZ is 100% cloud-based so it works with an internet connection on any browser.

Q. Do I get support and tutorials on how to start?

A. Yes, you do, our dedicated support team can answer any questions and guide you when needed and we have full tutorials plus support to get you started.