BetterMarketing VIP

Unlock Exclusive Marketing Strategies & Master In-Demand Skills In One Intensive Training

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Unlock a World of Marketing Expertise: Elevate Your Digital Efforts with BetterMarketing VIP Training

Inside This Training You Will Find 5 meticulously crafted courses, each addressing a crucial aspect of your digital marketing career

VIP Course #1 - Improve Video Production In One Day

Inside This Course You Will Find The Next Modules

Module 1

Course Introduction

  • Course Introduction
  • Customer Service Introduction
  • Item Checklist for Video Improvement

Module 4

Audio Quality

  • Introduction to Audio
  • Microphones
  • Getting Rid of Sound Echo with Studio Foam

Module 2

Improving Your YouTube Videos

  • Improve Your YouTube Videos for YouTube Marketing
  • Case Study: How Mistakes in Videos Can Hold You Back
  • Should You Prescript?

Module 5

Lighting Setup

  • Improving Lighting, Background,and Shadows
  • Lighting and Shadows

Module 3

Common Video Formats

  • Best Video Format for Presenting or Teaching
  • Picture-in-Picture Video Production
  • Screencast Video Production
  • Talking Head Video Production
  • Five Video Format Options

Module 6

Filming and Video Quality

  • How Long Should Videos Be?
  • Editing
  • Five Camera Options to Film Your Video

Module 7

Presenting and Content Delivery

  • Body Language Introduction
  • Clothing and Appearance
  • Speech and Tone When Presenting

Module 8

Fixing Speech Issues

  • What If You Have an Accent Like I Do?
  • Get Rid of Parasite Words in Your Speech

This Course Contains A Total Of 24 Videos

VIP Course #2 - Procrastination Reversal

Inside This Course You Will Find The Next Modules

Module 1

Course Introduction

  • Procrastination Reversal Introduction
  • Procrastination Is A Habit

Module 4

Why We Procrastinate

  • Are You Avoiding Unpleasant Tasks?
  • Fear of Criticism or Failure
  • Is Perfectionism Holding You Back?
  • Fixing Procrastination Due to Overwhelm
  • ADHD - Real and As a Figure of Speech
  • Why Do People Procrastinate?
  • Why Do People Procrastinate - Exercise Answer

Module 2

Biology Related Procrastination

  • Happiness Hormones and How They Affect Productivity

Module 5

Getting Rid of Distractions

  • Eliminating Interruptions
  • Learning to Say No is Productive
  • Creating Room and Time for Focus

Module 3

Case Studies

  • How to Get Long Term Motivation
  • Examples of Tasks with Equal Motivation but Different Procrastination
  • Short Term Motivation to Get You Going on Your Task
  • Real Time It Takes to Build a Habit

Module 6

Work Environment Optimization

  • Natural Light and Fresh Air
  • Adjusting Colors

Module 7

Motivation and Mindfulness

  • Procrastination vs Prioritization and Mindfulness

Module 8

Mindfulness for Procrastination

  • All Productivity Starts with Mindfulness
  • How to Start Practicing Basic Mindfulness Today
  • How Changing Technology and Social Environment Affects Self-Awareness
  • Defense Mechanism of Displacing Blame vs Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Exercises
  • Mindfulness Challenge

This Course Contains A Total Of 34 Videos

Course #3 - Customer Service And Support

Inside This Course You Will Find The Next Modules

Module 1

Course Introduction

  • Course Introduction
  • Customer Service Introduction

Module 4

Using Positive Language

  • Saying No in a Positive Way
  • Adding Positive Words to Your Customer Interactions
  • Examples of Negative Words Not to Use and How to Rephrase

Module 7

Customer Service Tools and Resources

  • Customer Service Software and Tools

Module 2

Customer Service Fundamentals

  • Customer Care Important for Growth
  • Customer Support vs Customer Experience
  • Seven Types of Customer Complaints
  • Anatomy of a Customer Complaint Interaction

Module 5

Active Listening Skills

  • Active Listening for Your Customer Service
  • Example of Active Listening and Improved Comprehension
  • How to Not Lose a Customer With Bad Support

Module 8

Emotional Intelligence in Customer Service

  • How Emotional Intelligence Plays a Role
  • Introduction to Empathy
  • Using Emotional Intelligence With Your Customer Support Interactions
  • Emotion Checklist
  • Understanding the Emotion of Anger

Module 3

Dealing with Difficult Customers

  • Example of an Angry Customer Email and Common Misunderstandings
  • Dealing with Angry Clients and Deciding When to Fire Clients
  • Firing Bad Clients - How to Say Goodbye in a Professional Way

Module 6

Creating a Unique Voice and Personality

  • Inspiring Client Interactions
  • Examples of How to Add Engagement and Proactive Support
  • Podcast Example to Learn From
  • Example of Grout Product Creating Support Group on FB
  • Say Thank You in Every Communication

Module 9

Online Reviews and Customer Development

  • Getting Insight Despite Hurtful Comments
  • Customer Service Through Google Alerts
  • Incorporating Customer Support Into Feedback and Product Improvement
  • Customer Development by Steve Blank
  • Eric Ries - Lean Start-up and Product MVP

Module 10

Using Customer Feedback

  • Creating a Customer Feedback Survey Using Free Google Forms
  • Creating an Account in Google Docs to Use Google Forms
  • Multi-page Forms
  • Script for the Feedback Collection Email
  • Customer Feedback Form Results

This Course Contains A Total Of 37 Videos

Course #4 - Social Media Management

Inside The Course You Will Find The Next Modules

Module 1

Course Introduction

  • Course Introduction
  • Structure of the Course

Module 4

Full Marketing Calendar Expansion

  • Expanding Into A Full Marketing Calendar

Module 7

Content Creation Strategies

  • Photo Image Creation
  • Video Editing
  • Video into Blog Post
  • Optimize Text Content Creation

Module 10

Using Viral Content

  • Introduction to Using Memes
  • How to Begin Finding Viral Memes
  • How to Create Your Own Image Memes for Free
  • How to Create Your Own Viral Gifs

Module 13

Freelancing on Fiverr

  • Fiverr and Freelancing Introduction
  • How Many Gigs to Create and Leveling Up on Fiverr
  • How to Apply to Become a Seller on Fiverr
  • How Your Fiverr Freelancing Profile Should Appear
  • Introduction to Fiverr SEO
  • Fiverr Keyword Checklist
  • Copywriting for Title to Make Your Gig More Attractive
  • Fiverr vs Upwork

Module 2

Social Media Strategy

  • Overview of Potential Goals and Strategies
  • Social Media Marketing Calendar

Module 5

Content Creation and Management Tools

  • Content Repository For Post Re-use
  • One Place to Put All Your Important Pages and Share

Module 8

Sharing and Publishing Content

  • Revive Old Posts for Social Sharing
  • Posting as a Personal or Business Brand
  • How to Create a Content Strategy

Module 11

Getting Others to Promote You

  • Quotables Strategy to Make Customers Promote Your Business

Module 14

Starting a Social Media Marketing Agency

  • Overview of Marketing Strategies
  • Checklist to Build Credibility and Branding
  • Example of Using the Google Keyword Tool
  • Basic Agency Keywords

Module 3

Outsourcing and Social Media Management

  • Steps to Ease Into Outsourcing and Prerequisites
  • Automation vs Outsourcing vs Being Present
  • How Long Each Type of Posting Takes
  • When You Should Not Have a Social Media Calendar

Module 6

Automating and Outsourcing Social Media

  • Beginning to Automate Posting on All Networks
  • What Role Social Media Will Play In Different Projects

Module 9

Launching and Promoting Content

  • Scheduling a Launch of Content or Products

Module 12

Social Media Automation Tools & Strategies

  • Social Media Automation Introduction
  • Social Media Automation Tools Overview
  • Inside Look at How I Use SocialOomph

Module 15

Finding Leads

  • D7LeadFinder Lead Generation Introduction
  • D7LeadFinder Results
  • How to Come Across Professionally to Potential Clients

Module 16

LinkedIn Messaging Selling Leads

  • Options for LinkedIn Messaging Automation Tools
  • LinkedIn Connection Messaging Template
  • LinkedIn Welcome Message Template

This Course Contains A Total Of 56 Videos

Course #5 - Entrepeneurship Start Your Own Business

Inside The Course You Will Find The Next Modules

Module 1

Introduction & Mindset

  • Course Introduction
  • Structure of the Course
  • Correct Entrepreneurship Mindset

Module 4

Productivity & Focus

  • Productivity Skills That Will Help You
  • Five Productivity Tips
  • Your Brain and Business
  • The Marshmallow Test
  • Think How Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg Think

Module 7

Writing a Business Plan

  • Balance Sheet Introduction
  • The Cash Flow Statement
  • How to Calculate Gross Profit, Net Profit and the Bottom Line
  • How to Calculate Profit Margin
  • Example of Calculating Profit and Margin

Module 10

Business Registration & Launch

  • Should You Register Your Business
  • Company Registration and Formation Decision
  • Why You Need A Commercial Bank Account
  • Difference Between For Profit and Nonprofit
  • Idea To Reality: 3 Ways to do a Great Product Launch
  • How to Choose a Great Website Domain Name
  • How to Choose a Great Business Name
  • How to Set Up Your Website Quickly, Cheaply and Professionally

Module 13

Timeless Books & Resources

  • Entrepreneurship Books Introduction
  • Book Summaries: Think and Grow Rich, E-Myth Revisited, Outliers, The 4 Steps To The Epiphany, The Lean Start-up

Module 2

Validating & Choosing Business Ideas

  • Paid Feedback Options
  • Common Business Ideas
  • Choosing an Influencer Niche
  • How to Get Feedback on Business Ideas
  • Correct Entrepreneurship Mindset
  • Having Too Many Ideas
  • Five Types of Business Risk

Module 5

Protecting Your Idea & Planning

  • Should You Follow Your Passion
  • Intellectual Property Protection
  • How to Protect Business Ideas
  • Protect Your Business by Creating a Moat Around It
  • More on Moats, Barriers and Being First
  • My Decision of Whether to Get a Trademark
  • Business Planning Introduction

Module 8

Promotion & Marketing

  • Marketing Plan Introduction
  • Basic Marketing Plan for an Ecommerce Product
  • Local Business Marketing Plan Example
  • Marketing Plan for a Blog, YouTube, Podcast, Influencer or Coach
  • Marketing Plan for a Platform
  • Marketing Plan for an Innovative New Product
  • B2B Company Marketing Plan

Module 11

Business Systems & Technical Considerations

  • Creating a Business System With Automation and Outsourcing
  • Tips to Learn to Code on Your Own
  • Nightmares From Outsourcing Technical Product Development

Module 14

Productivity Apps & Project Management

  • Productivity Apps Introduction
  • To-do List Apps & Proper Ways to Make To-do Lists
  • Time Tracking Apps & Signing Up For Trello
  • Creating a New Board, Inviting People, Working With Tasks & Starting To Work With Your Team

Module 3

Inspiration & Strategies

  • If I Personally Had to Start a Business From Scratch Today
  • Local Business Bookstore
  • Practical Approach to Starting an Online Business
  • Starting an Agency Business

Module 6

Writing a Business Plan

  • What Is A Business Plan
  • How Long Should a Business Plan Be
  • The Executive Summary of a Business Plan
  • The Product Section of a Business Plan
  • The Stage of Your Business
  • The Marketing Plan of Your Business Plan
  • Your Business Competition
  • Your Revenue Streams
  • Pricing and Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • Your Founding or Management Team
  • Your Business Unit Economics

Module 9

Raising Capital

  • Fundraising Introduction
  • How Much Money You Need To Raise
  • Worksheets: New & Existing Business Expenses & Calculating How Much To Raise
  • Fundraising Paths Worksheet
  • Bootstrapping Your Business
  • Raising Money From Different Sources
  • Creative Fundraising: Host Events, Workshops or Sell Educational Products

Module 12

Case Studies & Takeaways

  • My Case Study: Part 1, 2 & 3 (Early Entrepreneurship, Growth & Success)
  • Optional Part of the Course

Module 15

Generating Business Ideas

  • Getting Business Ideas Introduction
  • Worksheets: Picking an Industry & Identifying Business Goals
  • Combining Industry & Goals for Unique Ideas, Adding Demographics & Psychographics
  • Template Pitch Your Business Ideas to Investors, Bigger Checklist & Exercise

This Course Contains A Total Of 108 Videos