Local Businesses Are Going NUTS
Over This Technology
Break Through App Creates "Simple Viral Contests That Build
Subscribers Lists For You And Your Customers"
Sell Simple Breakthrough Viral Apps To Local Businesses
For Monthly Fees (Commercial Rights Included)
Limited period Offer!
Get Competeup for a LOW ONE-TIME FEE.
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
The Magic Sauce That Makes
"Competeup" Uber Successful With
Building Massive Lists And Audiences
Heck When You Clone The Campaigns, You’ll Save Even More Time!
(The Rewards Library Is What Makes This All So STUPID SIMPLE)
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
There Are 2 Contest Types
That You Can Choose From
(If You Really Want To Put The Fuel On The Flames And Build A
Instant Rewards
With this type of contest EVERYBODY WINS! Think about the last time you went to the mall or the fair, and they were giving away a NEW CAR! Right away you got excited however, as you walked over to the entry box the sudden realization hit you…
“There’s NO WAY I can win this… The odds have to be 10,000 to 1.
Well that’s how your players react to contests where the only way to win is by luck of the draw.
You still want to have those BIG CONTESTS because it catches the players attention right away, but we need to make sure that EVERYBODY WINS!
Win - For - The - Player!
They are unlocking instant rewards for going out there and telling the world about your contest. They’re going to have a BLAST doing it because they get to use social media sites to bank the points…
Then they are issued the badge
Then tehy INSTANTLY RECEIVE the reward!
Here Are Examples Of Some Of The INSTANT REWARDS You Can Give Away
These Are rewards That Don't Cost you A Lot Of Money,
But They Have A Perceived Value To Them)
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
PLR Material Is Perfect For Instant Rewards!
These are rewards that are INSTANTLY ISSUED to the player once they have
unlocked that badge. The cool thing is, they are NOT just receiving a badge,
there is an actual reward that is tied to that badge as well
Overall Prize Contest
Now this is the contest that DRAWS THEM IN! This is where you really grab their attention.
These are the big prizes. We recommend that you have 3 TOP PRIZES to offer in your contest.
There Are 2 Types Of Contests
That You Can Run Inside This Contest
#1 Entry Contest - This is the draw out of the hat. You determine how many
points are needed to equal an entry in the contest. The software will then
choose the winner for you! There is NOTHING you need to do! The winners are
chosen and notified automatically!
#2 Most Points - This contest is VERY EASY to setup. The players that have the
most points will win the prizes that you have setup inside Competeup
Here’s An Example Of Prizes That Are Given Away
(Since You’re Only Giving Away 1 Of Each, You Want These
To Be Higher Quality Then The Instant Rewards)
We Have Given Away TV’s, Video Studios, Cameras…
Anything That Makes Them Have Some FIGHT IN THE GAME!
And Remember If You Use BOTH CONTESTS!
They’re Going To Want To FIGHT TO WIN But Even When They Don’t,
EVERYBODY WINS With The Instant Rewards.
But The Big Winner is YOU!
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
You Take Two Minutes Each Month To Create
A Simple Drag n Drop Contest
That Brings In Leads While You Sleep!
Without Having
To Pay For Ads!
Without Having
To Do SEO!
Without Needing
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards
How Do The Players Earn The Points?
It’s Actually VERY SIMPLE!
The Players Are Going To Have FUN!
They Are Going To Tell People About Your Contest, Giveaway And Rewards!
Here’s How
They Can Earn Points:
(You Will Determine How Many Points
They Receive For Each Type)
Contest Signup Through
Special Link
The player is given a special tracking link that
they can share with all their friends, family
and colleagues. They can share this link EVERYWHERE. When another player signs up
for the contest, they earn points in the system.
Web URL Entries
When a prospect visits pages you setup in the system, the person who brought them in the contest will receive points for those visits.
Twitter Entries
Points can be used when a prospect sends
out a tweet, does a retweet, posts a hashtag,
or gives you a follow on twitter.
YouTube Entries
If you want to use YouTube, you can set it up
so that points are issued when prospect
watches a video, submits a video or subscribes to a channel.
Pinterest Entries
Points can be used when a prospect follows
your channel on Pinterest of pins an image to
your Pinterest channel.
Custom Entries
If there is a special entry that you want to
create you’re able to specify that inside the campaign, as well as the ability to create a custom tab and icon just for that entry.
Bonus Entry
You’re able to give a bonus # of points when the user reaches a certain level of points. This is just an extra incentive to help them unlock your prizes and be excited with your contests.
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
Do The Players Earn The Points?
Case Study #1
83% Optin Rate
(Resulted in 24,492 leads)
Our Instant Rewards Consisted Of A Couple
Ebooks And Webinar Replays From Past Events We Did.
You Could Even Use Facebook Live Videos!
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
Your Simple Instant Prizes
Could Consist of the Following:
#1 - $50 Amazon Card
#2 - Access To a FREE Course
#3 - Even Rebranded PLR
The Return For The Money Invested?
If You Just Look At This From A Very Conservative Value In
Saying Each Subscriber Is Worth $1 Every Month…
That’s almost $25,000 a month
(That’s Low For Us, We Usually Make $3 per Subscriber)
That Comes To $300,000 A YEAR From One Single Campaign.
Imagine If You Had A NEW CONTEST Each And Every month!
Look At Where
Your Business Would Be!
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
And The Best Part Is
You Finally Have A Software That You Can Use...
Without Any Techinal Headache!
No More Trying To Figure Out How To Make Ads Work!
(It’s a pain in the butt anyways, once you figure it out they shut you down!)
You Won’t Have To Figure Out How To Drive Traffic!
(This is just a time-consuming low quality strategy)
(Lets face it… if you didn’t figure it out yet, it aint gonna happen!)
No Reason To Connect Multiple Systems…
(This becomes a tangled ball of spaghetti, that doesn’t make anybody money)
Zapping is NOT AN OPTION!
(We will let you connect your autoresponder instantly).
So that they are getting your emails RIGHT AWAY!
Don’t EVER Worry About Conversions Ever Again!
I’m telling you… you follow our simple 2-minute process and you will have one of the HIGHEST OPTIN pages in the business! You’ll be able to KILL all those other squeeze pages! The only thing they are squeezing is your wallet each and every month with their outrageous fees!
Competeup Is The ONLY Solution
If You Are Looking To
INSTANTLY Build A List Of Raving Fans That Are
Dying To Buy Your Products And Services!
Competeup Lets You Create SIMPLE LITTLE Contests That Everybody Loves While Spreading
The Word About Your Products And Services At The Same Time!
It’s Going To Save You TIME AND MONEY! Big Time!
And if You Follow Our STUPID SIMPLE 2 Minute PROVEN Process,
You’ll Make More Money In This Business Than Ever Before!
The First Ever Contest App That Ties In
Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
Look At Everything
Competeup Can Do!
This Class Will Be Hosted By Mr. Gamification Himself Chad Nicely
(He’s Going To Reveal EXACTLY How To Get Your Campaign Setup)
#1 You’ll learn how to build your rewards library
#2 You’ll discover how to find and load your badge library
#3 You’re going to setup your contest page live on the call
#4 You’re also going to set up an instant rewards contest
(So that everybody wins)
#5 You’ll also setup your overall points contest so that people are EXCITED about registering for your contest
#6 Finally, he will show you how to have the leads go directly into your autoresponder
And There Are Some Other Surprises In That Workshop As Well!
You Get Access To The Workshop
When You Purchase Competeup Today!
($297 Value)