Start An E-learning Biz Without EVER Creating ANYTHING!
Create Profitable, Evergreen Video Courses, With NEW “Hand-Holding-Style” Without Ever Creating A Video!
Effortlessly, and LEGALLY get your biz earnin’ TODAY With Other People’s Courses.
One-Time Payment
No Monthly Fee
Commercial License Included
There’s No Scary Learning Curve.
Just Follow A Few Simple Steps & You’ve Got Your New Profitable E-Learning Biz Online!
And There’s No Better Time Than NOW To Start An E-Learning Biz..
The Worldwide E-Learning Market Is Projected To Be Worth $325 Billion In 2025

The corresponding figure for 2014 was $165.36 billion, according to e-learning stats. This means the market will have nearly doubled in a decade. You can’t afford to miss out on this profitable trend!

The Self-Paced Online Learning Market In The US Is Estimated To Be Worth $15.86 Billion In 2021.
Mobile Learning Could Reach $80.1 Billion Worldwide By 2027
Statistics on the e-learning market size in 2021 indicate that mobile learning remains one of the fastest-growing markets in the sector. It has maintained an average steady growth rate of over 20% over the past few years.
In 2015, the mobile learning market was worth just $7.98 billion. In 2020, that number had risen to $22.4 billion.
Experts speculate that the number grew rapidly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ever-growing group of mobile users worldwide. They also predict that the mobile e-learning market will rise to $80.1 billion by 2027.
Resell PLR All You Want & You Get To Keep All The Profits From Every Sale.

PLR and Creative Commons licenses have helped create a vast store of free and low cost, publically available knowledge which anyone can contribute to and build off of, without fear of violating copyright or facing litigation.

Providing E-Learning Courses Consumes 90% Less Energy And Produces 85% Fewer CO2 Emissions Per Person
Now Imagine If You Could Sell
E-Learning Courses Without Having To Create E-Learning Courses!!!

Coursium uses two nearly FREE sources, combined with our powerful software & AI to repurpose these E-Learning courses into something unique we call “Hand-Holding-Style”.

Of Course Creating “Hand-Holding-Style” E-Learning Courses Is Difficult To Do From Scratch…
If you wanted to create a “Hand-Holding-Style” video course yourself today you would need to do all these:

Of course you could always hire people to do all these things
but that would cost you a TON of money and would require lots of scheduling and management skills…

Then you would have to pay them before you have even sold ONE course!

Starting TODAY You Too Can Easily Start A Profitable E-Learning Biz

No Technical Mumbo Jumbo

No Building A List

No Creating Websites

No Expensive Equipment

No Hosting & Domain Fees

Nothing To Download/ Install

No Buffering

No Complicated Setup

No Commercials From YouTube

No Overhead Costs

No Being On Camera

No Creating Transcriptions

No Creating A Studio

No Writing Scripts

No Researching Topics

No Expensive Editing Software

No Traffic Hijacking On YouTube

Forget Paying Hosting Fees On Vimeo/ Wistia
What Are The Benefits of “Hand-Holding-Style”
E-Learning Courses?
Easily convert the gigabytes of PLR you already own or can get for cheap

You Don’t EVER have to be on camera, unless you want to
Your students can learn with video, just audio, just text or all at the same time

Since students are able to learn in their preferred style, they will retain more of what they learn
Since students are able to retain more of what they learn, they will come back for MORE!

When students come back for more they will give you great reviews and send more students your way
More students means more sales, which means more profit in your bank

I'd Like To Welcome You To The MOST UNCOMPLICATED
E-Learning Course Creation & Publication App…

Create YOUR OWN E-Learning Courses

Powerful E-Learning Course Page Creator

E-Learning Course Content Included

25x Faster To Profiting

Nothing To Install

And A Lot More…
Watch how easily you can LEGALLY turn youtube videos into e-learning courses and start selling them
With Coursium Your E-Learning Courses Will Be Ready To Sell 25X Faster Than ANY OTHER E-Learning Platforms…
….Keep Reading To See Why…
Our “Secret Sauce” is using content that already exists, legally, to get your content up and earning as quickly as possible.

(Near Limitless Content)

Creative Commons Licensed Videos on YouTube
These are video E-Learning courses created by experts who then make the content available for reuse…for free. A quick search of YouTube will yield THOUSANDS of Creative Commons Licensed Videos

PLR Video Courses
These are video courses also created by experts who then make the content available for reuse…for a small fee

“Hand-Holding-Style” E-Learning Courses Take The Student Through The Course The Best Way They Learn
People experience the world in unique ways, so if we want to connect with the various learners we have to offer various formats for learning.
Coursium offers ALL three primary learning styles:



Charts/ Graphs
02 / Auditory
Listening is how they learn best




03 / Visual


Written ideas

Coursium Gives You Ready-To-Profit Video E-Learning Courses From The Hottest-Selling Niches...
So You Can Setup & Profit 25X Faster – TODAY!
Here’s a sneak peek!

Computers and Technology

Business & Entrepreneurship

Writing and Content Creation

Personal Development


Politics/Social Science
...And more!
You can start in one or two niche’s that interest you, then GROW into other profitable niches—without having to make ANY videos!
Coursium Is Ready To Help You Prosper.
Coursium Is Packed With Features Every New E-Learning Host Needs…

Add From Everywhere
It doesn’t matter where you store your vids. Bring ‘em in from anywhere

Connect Your Zoom & GDrive

Send from your Vimeo, Dropbox, etc.

Upload from a URL or from your PC

Create Course Pages
Easily add any video module or an entire course to your page.

Unlimited Pages

Custom Sub-Domain

Add buy buttons
1-Click Sharing
Generate tons of FREE traffic by sharing your Coursium business with just 1-click, Twitter, email, Reddit and more, for

Share to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit & More

Send via email to your whole list

FREE viral traffic

Transcribe Both Ways
Got video? Coursium creates the text. Got text? Coursium creates the audio.

Transcribe all your videos

Transcribe audio too!

Create human like audio from text file
Edit Videos For Impact
If you’re not happy with the content you start with, make some changes!

Edit Videos

Merge or Slice

Repurpose Any Content
How Does Coursium Stack Up To Other E-Learning Systems:

Want To Replicate What These Companies Are Doing At A FRACTION of the Time and Cost?
Start Your E-Learning Business in Just 3 Simple Steps WITHOUT Any Skills, Experience, Knowledge Or Expensive Equipment:

When It Comes To Starting An E-Learning Business -
Coursium Makes EVERYTHING Super-Easy & 25X Faster
Find The PERFECT Content To Create Your Course In Seconds From Our Recommended YouTube Channels, or Our Included PLR—WITHOUT Writing A Single Word, Filming A Single Second, or Editing A Single Video!
This may seem like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised as to how many people charge extra for a commercial license.
Not Coursium. When you buy Coursium today you have the legal right to use Coursium to create your e-learning business & sell access to any and all E-Learning courses and you get to keep 100% of the profit.
With all the incredible features you can charge top dollar for your E-Learning courses that take you just minutes to deliver.
Only today - you also get the Commercial License without any extra fee… so set your own price and sell to as m any students as you like.
Wait! We are not done yet…
We Also Have Some Exclusive Bonuses Lined Up For You Designed To Take Your Profits To The Next Level
What is This Worth?
This shouldn’t cost you a dime, once your e-learning business is setup. Here are 3 good reasons why:

You’re getting a $1,000 of premium video E-Learning courses you can sell with no royalty payments.Just set it up and sell it. You keep 100% of the proceeds.
You’re getting a top-notch, web based, course creation app for a one-time payment. No matter how many times you use the software there are no additional costs. Ever.
Neil has specially designed this offer so that you can start profiting on the FIRST DAY. Our E-Learning Courses and pages are all you need to get earning right away. It’s very likely you’ll get your investment back TODAY.
$1,000 value
$197 value
$197 value
In my humble (but accurate) opinion, any one of those reasons would be worth investing the retail price of $297. Coursium gives you all THREE of these reasons and does it for about 18% of the retail price during our special launch pricing.
A Second’s Delay May Be Too Late
Coursium can be yours today at an incredibly low price. Such a fabulous deal is extremely rare to come by…as rare as hitting the jackpot.
Rare opportunities cannot be wasted in second thoughts. So shake those worries and apprehensions away and make the switch now.

This platform will change the way you do business online forever and make it incredibly rewarding and emotionally satisfying because of the impact you will be making on your students.
The simplicity of the interface will amaze you and its sophistication will leave you spellbound.
But…if you do let this opportunity go today. Unfortunately, the price of this mind blowing tool will be relatively higher tomorrow….and higher with each day.
So a day’s delay means more dollars spent!
We urge you to lead the way because winners never follow.
Hit the buy button now.
Still Have Questions? Here are the answers to the ones we most commonly hear.
Q1. Does Coursium Work on Windows & Mac?
A1. Yes, it’s 100% cloud-based and works on any operating platform, on any internet-connected device.
Q2. Do I Need Experience or Tech Skills?
A2. We designed Coursium to be 100% newbie-friendly. You require no technical skills or prior experience to make massive profits with Coursium.
Q3. Do I need to create videos and be on camera?
A3. No! Not unless you want to. Coursium is made so that you don’t have to do any of that. So if you don’t speak English, don’t like being on camera or just want to remain anonymous, Coursium is perfect for you.
Q4. Support & Software Updates?
A4. FREE & automated. Get with Support in just 1-Click if you need anything. Ongoing updates are automatically pushed to the software so you’ll always have the most updated version.
Q5. Is Training Included?
A5. Yes, full training is included to help you get started and make insane profits with Coursium.
Q6. Okay. I am in. Let’s do this!
A6. Awesome. Get started instantly.