Stop Paying For Ads - Get Instant Traffic With Our Exclusive Content System Used Daily By Over 2,000 People!
Legally Steal Content?
Here’s The Brand New App That Lets You Siphon Tons of Content You Didn’t Create And Turn It Into All The Traffic You Could Ever Desire.
There’s Nothing To Install, No Monthly Fees And No Technical Skills Required. Get Started In The Next 5 Minutes...
Includes Breakthrough New Feature: Self-Updating Niche Money Sites (Earn from Crypto, Health, Finance, CBD and More!)
RE: The Sneaky Little Yahoo.com Secret
That Can Transform Your Wordpress Blogs Into Traffic Getting Profit Generating Machines...

Hey Fellow Entrepreneur,
So have you ever heard of this site called Yahoo.com? Of course you have. I’m just pulling your chain. Hard to believe at one point they were the search engine powerhouse. But that’s not why I’m writing you today…
The reason for this page is that I want to share a little tactic that I found on Yahoo that can truly help you create site Let me explain...
After Doing Some Digging...You Won’t Believe The Results I’ve Found…
First up, let’s clarify something. Yahoo.com is currently worth 4.83 BILLION with a capital B. In case you’re wondering, that’s nine zeros with a ton of commas. enough to buy a small country.
They also are ranked the 5th top site in the U.S., the 11th top site in the world, and the #1 news and media site in that perspective category. But how does Yahoo keep people coming back to their site day in and day out? Simple. It’s all about the content.

But as you’ll notice when you visit Yahoo again, they are using a tactic where they aren’t using their own in house writers nor are they outsourcing work to freelancers. You know what they were doing? Curation. Content Curation to be more precise.

After seeing this and not paying attention before, I was like, “what the heck?” Yahoo is a multi-billion dollar company and they don’t even write all their content? What in the world is going on?
The Technique They Were Using Is So Simple , That Most People Overlook The True
Money Making Power Behind It
That’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks. They were doing what you and I should be doing with our web properties. Using other people’s content in a legal way that can help boost our site’s value as well. But it wasn’t just an article here or a post there. Yahoo had this thing in full force right down to site and social media properties.
As A Matter Of Fact, The Technique Looks Something Like This:
1. Find stories for a topic
2. Curate that story to your site for any thoughts you may have
3. Include a citation back to the site to give credit
4. Post on social media and link back to your site

Wouldn’t It Be Great To Be Able
To Use The Full Power of Curation, Without Having To Create The Content Yourself?

We wanted to make sure that we could do three things at a moment’s notice and that was:

Find any content around a given topic with a simple keyword search.
By doing this, we would be able to curate that content easily with links back to the sources. We also wanted it where this could be done easily with our Wordpress blogs.

Allow our sites and blogs to be auto-updated with fresh content daily
People are addicted to content and they need their daily fix. By automating the posting process we can be sure to attract viral traffic and make sure our sites make money, without us having to do any extra work. Set and forget.

We wanted to syndicate that content across a number of platforms and link back to our blogs for major SEO boosts while getting traffic from social media.
So we got to work. Putting together the perfect software that would allow us to do both of the above with perfect flexibility.
This solution would allow us to specify which networks to post to, schedule posts out as far as we like, automatically add citations for sources, backlink to our Wordpress blogs and more.
Because we figured, why should the major news media outlets make a killing from other people’s content while we slaved away over one article?
Well, after months of hard work and frustration, we’re pleased to announce that we finally created that solution. And we want to share it with you today!
Good News!
The Perfect Solution For Creating Content and Getting Backlinks On AutoPilot Is Finally Here!

Introducing Curation Cloud 2.0
Yes! You Can Easily Create Content, Build Monetizable Niche Sites and Generate Traffic Getting Backlinks With Only A Few Simple Steps…

That’s it! And brand new for Curation Cloud 2.0: SELF-UPDATING NICHE SITES Simply turn the auto-post feature on, and your blogs and sites will automatically self-update every single day with fresh unique content in your chosen niche. That’s auto-pilot traffic, leads and sales at the click of a button in Curation Cloud 2.0

Google will love this! (Not to mention your bank balance).
You can literally start flooding your sites and social media profiles with tons of content in the next 5 minutes!
We Have Successfully Created A Secret Content System That Generates Free Viral Traffic, Leads and Sales...
Take A Look At Curation Cloud 2.0 In Action
Here’s Everything That’s Included With Curation Cloud.

The Curation Cloud Content Finder
When you first login, you’ll be able to start searching for content immediately with this option. And using the content finder is an absolute breeze. Just enter your keyword topic, select your parameters and hit search. Parameters you can choose from include:
By using these parameters, you’ll instantly have all sorts of content available at your fingertips to curate from at a moment’s notice.
Auto Post To (Unlimited?) Wordpress Sites
Curation Cloud works seamlessly with your Wordpress sites and you can connect your sites to Curation Cloud in minutes.
This is a great way to fill up existing sites with content or get new ones up and running quickly.
Just do a quick keyword search for your site’s topic. Once you’re done, choose to auto post content to your sites on any schedule you wish.

Auto Post To (Unlimited?) Wordpress Sites
Curation Cloud works seamlessly with your Wordpress sites and you can connect your sites to Curation Cloud in minutes.
This is a great way to fill up existing sites with content or get new ones up and running quickly.
Just do a quick keyword search for your site’s topic. Once you’re done, choose to auto post content to your sites on any schedule you wish.
Auto Post To (Unlimited?) Wordpress Sites
Curation Cloud integrates nicely with some of the most popular high traffic social sites online. This way you can not only use Curation Cloud for your blogs, but also for any social site individually. Use it with LinkedIn to keep business contacts engaged or with Blogger to build another site. The choice is yours.

Auto Post To (Unlimited?) Wordpress Sites
Curation Cloud also gives you the option to preview your post for social media so you know exactly how your posts will look to your audience. It’s as easy as selecting a network and Curation Cloud will give you a real time view of your post
This way you can make sure you look professional while creating engaging content that wows and draws in your readers with ease.
Choose Multiple of Single Accounts To Post To Anytime
Every post you make in Curation Cloud will go exactly where you want it every single time. Right before you publish, you can choose the specific networks you want to post to with just a click of your mouse.
Want to send a certain post to Reddit and your Wordpress site, but avoid LinkedIN? Done. Want to post the latest to Facebook? No problem.
Got a broad post that will appeal to the masses and you want to share it everywhere? Go for it.
Curation Cloud gives you true customization for your posting needs right out the gate.

Citations Are Automatically Added For You
Whenever you’re curating content, you must ALWAYS include a link back to the source. This my friend, is non-negotiable.
So to make sure that you never get in trouble with the internet police or risk your accounts being shut down, Curation Cloud will automatically include a link back to the source for any content you post.
This way you can post to your sites and networks with peace of mind.
Publish Posts Immediately or Schedule For Later
Every post you create in Curation Cloud gives you the option of when you want to make it go live.
Just click the button to publish immediately or click schedule to open the calendar in Curation Cloud.
If choosing the later, select your date and time, click ok and you’re good to go. You’ve got instant content that posts on autopilot.
No guesswork needed.

Automatically Choose Which Social Buttons To Add To Your WP Post.
You’re sure to get a lot of love from the social media networks you’ll be posting to with Curation Cloud. But why stop there?
Especially when there’s more traffic for the taking! That’s why before you publish your post, you can choose which social sharing buttons you want to include with your post as well.
This way any traffic that comes to your site can also share on their social media profiles too.
It’s just another way to help your posts get even more traffic with less work!
Select Your Image And Make Your Post Stand Out.
It’s a known and proven fact that people stay on sites that have images in the posts than those that don’t. That’s why having the ability to use images on your posts was a must when creating this software.
When you search for content, Curation Cloud will also pull back any images for the content you’re curating. If there’s multiple images, you can select which one you want to include in your post and Curation Cloud will auto place the image for you in the content.
Only takes a second to do and one click of your mouse and you’ve got a good looking curated post in an instant.

And The New Breakthrough For Curation Cloud 2.021 - Plug & Profit Monetizable Niche Sites
Simply pick a niche and let the brand new self-update technology fill your websites and blogs every day with fresh content. The type of content that people are addicted to.
With this new feature for Curation Cloud 2.021, you’ll be building your email list as you earn commissions so you won’t need an existing list. You don’t need any tech skills, and you won’t have to pay for traffic.

Curation Cloud Gives You True Set and Forget Autopilot Content And Traffic.

You’ve heard the saying that content is king I’m sure. And while that’s true, there’s also a TON of content out there that you can benefit from.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You only need to take the best of what’s in a certain market and organize it for your audience. And that’s the beauty of Curation Cloud. It helps you become a curation expert fast without having to work hard.
You can literally do a search, schedule your posts, and watch the results come in from SEO and social media on autopilot.
Spend a few minutes a day using the software and you can have the equivalent of a month’s worth of post for your blogs and social media in absolutely no time.
100% Cloud Based So There’s Nothing To Install
When you get access to Curation Cloud today, you’ll be able to start using it immediately. There’s no messy downloads to install regardless of whether you’re using Mac, PC, Android, or Apple devices.

Everything with Curation Cloud runs...well...in the cloud. This way you can build your blogs and social posts from anywhere you have an internet connection. Great for working at home or even if you’re traveling the world!
Grow Your Social Media Following And Get Paid!

Social media has been around now for a while, but growing a true social media following has been tough for the majority of entrepreneurs.
There’s only one reason for that and that’s lack of content. When you start to add great up to date content to your social media profiles, you’ll have more people apt to follow you.
When that happens, you now have a platform that you can tap into anytime and get paid. Send updates about courses, coaching, products, and more.
Because you’ll be introducing great content to your audience on a consistent basis, they’ll be trained to look for your updates and take action every single time!
And These Special Bonuses We’re Including Today Will Help Make Your Curation Cloud
Experience Even Better!
(For Fast Action Takers Only…)

Income Bots
You’re probably here because you’re interested in learning how to use Facebook Messenger to generate leads or semi-automate your customer support.
According to Facebook - On average, there are over 7 billion conversations taking place on Messenger every single day Messenger is growing bigger than Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter combined, every day, so thereís a lot of opportunity for your business. Become a Facebook Bot Marketing Expert
Become a Facebook Bot Marketing Expert
Value $47

Insta Passive
How would you like to become a Instagram Marketing Expert?
There are lots of training out there but nothing compared to this in depth video training course Would you like a faster and better way to become an expert? Would You Take The Faster Way? And what if i said i can guarantee that you will...
Get The Best Results Possible With This Video Training
Value $37

Rapid Ads
Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business. But it’s also a way to lose a lot of money if you don’t do it right. What I mean is... There’s a lot of courses out there on ads but they assume you know how to setup the Facebook Pixel and...
Implement The Tracking Within Your Funnel
Value $47
Unfortunately, Curation Cloud Won’t Be Available At This Price For Long
So You’ll Need To Act Fast.
Currently, you can get access to Curation Cloud for just pennies on the dollar. However, this won’t always be the case.
As a matter of fact, the price is rising every single day as time passes which you can see right here on this page
But once this special launch for Curation Cloud is up, we will be raising the price permanently. So if you’re the least bit interested in getting access to Curation Cloud so you can post loads of content to your sites and build backlinks easily, then we urge you to get access today.
Right now. Don’t delay. Because if you come back tomorrow the price might be higher and you’ll lose out on the discount forever.

You’re Only One Click Away From
Unlimited Easy Content And Traffic... Now the ball is in your court.

Will you let all that delicious content, sweet traffic, and free backlinks just fade off into the sunset while you spin your wheels for another year online?
Or will you finally do something about it and start working towards achieving your goals in 2021?
Friend, Curation Cloud can help you do that. In order to succeed online, you’ll always need some form of content. You just can’t get around it.
But if you’re like most, you just don’t have the time to create all the necessary content for your blogs and social media sites right? Well why not do the right thing for you and your business and get access to Curation Cloud today?
With Curation Cloud, you can access a ton of content with a single click. And what’s better is that you can syndicate that content across the internet with just a few clicks as well.
All within the next 5 minutes!
This is by far one of the easiest content and traffic getting systems you will ever encounter.
So do yourself a favor and get access today. You won’t regret it.