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Explode Your Market Reach 5x With Simple Automation

Get More Organic Traffic Worldwide With Lifelike AI Voice-Overs, Translations & Transcriptions

108 Languages, 322 Lifelike Voices & Perfect Automation
With The Most Powerful Voice & Language Toolkit

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Dominate SERPs, Drive Traffic, Get Leads & Sales Daily

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Attract Fresh Customers Without Spending $100s On Voice-Artists & Translators

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Lifelike Voiceovers

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Automated Translations

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Convert Narrations-To-Text

LinguaScribe Explodes Your Traffic Worldwide
In Just A Few Clicks

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  • Translate your blog articles, sales pages, landing page, social media posts, ads, etc. into any language.
  • Create voice-overs for your videos and landing pages
  • Turn voiceovers and podcasts blog articles or text in the language of your choice
  • Get traffic for money keywords that you can’t even think about targeting
  • Get high quality leads without outspending your competition.
  • Set-&-Forget Workflows make conversion into multiple languages and formats one-click simple
  • Get higher click-through rates by showing up on search terms no one is thinking about
  • Make Voice-Overs, Podcasts, Audioblogs, Narrations & Audiobooks
  • Find underexploited customers who your competition can’t reach
  • Rank in local languages with automated local language content
  • Select between scores of life-like voices and accents
  • Go long-tail by feeding Google 5x or 8x the amount of content without working extra
  • Web based SAAS, works 24/7 from any computer
  • Appear in local language directories, collections and search engines with local language content
  • Free automatic upgrades for 1-year

Limited Time Offer

Get LinguaScribe With Agency & Commercial Use License

This Is The Perfect Way To Get Untapped Traffic

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The Internet Is Dominated By Local Languages

Gone are the days when the Internet was limited to an elite class that exclusively spoke English.

Now the Internet is a global phenomenon. Majority of Internet users online today either speak English as a second language, or don’t speak it at all.

I am talking about a whopping 75% of them! (ref:

Yes, 75% of the world’s Internet users use the net in another language and the number is significant even in the US.

Fact : 65% of US residents speak a second language.

Imagine, reaching them in it.

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Language conversion is no longer expensive or error-filled thanks to recent AI advancements

This is not 2001. It’s 2020, the era of deep fake when machine processed language and audio processing is indistinguishable from a real human being.

Translations, text to audio, audio to text. All these technologies have matured and you get really high quality results.

You can reach more people with your content if you converted it to other languages.

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Get results that rival a real human voice-over or translation for virtually nothing

Changing technology is the biggest harbinger of opportunities. Those who grab it at the right time become legends.

Imagine being in the e-commerce revolution when it was still young.

Or, starting a content blog in a high-value niche while rankings were still ridiculously easy.

This is a moment just like these, and this time the opportunity is language content.

Three Reasons Why You Need To
Convert All Your Content
Into Multiple Languages

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There are more people online today seeking content in local languages than ever before.

The Demand Exists

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There is an undersupply of local language content.

There Is A Gap Between Demand & Supply

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AI technology can give you perfect voice-overs, translations & transcriptions

The Entry Barrier Is Low For You To Act Now

A time like this will not be here again. We are on the verge of an explosion in content localization. You can already see the trends. Right now, it’s only the big companies, but this will be the dominating trend in the market.

All content, delivered in every language and every format that consumers can consume in.

The question is, will you be the early benefiter or an ‘also-tried-didn’t-work’?



Powerful Language & Audio Toolkit

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Lifelike Voiceovers

Convert text of any language into audio, and even convert into audio of other languages.

Translate Text Into Any Language

Translate any content including text, bebpage or videos into 100s of languages.

Voice To Text

Turn audio clips and narrations into blog articles, posts or ebooks.

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Just Some Of The Ways To Boost Your Business Using LinguaScribe’s Language Automation

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Make amazing voice-overs and narrations for your videsos

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Post your blog articles in multiple languages

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Make audio versions of your articles & attract listeners

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Make audiobooks from your blogs or ebooks

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Multilingua Sales & Landing pages

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Narrate your videos & slideshows in any language you want

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Post your social media posts in many languages

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Crate podcasts from your blog in multiple languages

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Convert videos into blog articles and posts

Do All This & More With Just 1 Click!

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See LinguaScribe In Action

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Includes 322 Life-Like Voices in 108 Languages

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Listen to an English

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Listen to a Dutch

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Listen to a Spanish

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Listen to a Hindi

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Listen to a German

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Listen to a French

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Language Content Is A Super-Weapon You Cannot Afford To Give To Your Competition

As facts stand, business is going to irrevocably changed in the coming months.

Either you will be the person who grabs all the local language traffic and leads, or it’s going to be your competition.

Because, if you think that this huge audience is going to remain untapped for long, well think again.

Here are some facts that you need to look at right away.

6 Reasons
Why Content localization Is A Must


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65 Million +

People in the US can read, write or speak a second language.


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75% +

Of all Internet users don’t have English as their first language.


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Over 50%

Of all Google searches are not in English (growing fast).


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But... 55%

Of the Internet content is still only in English.


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More than 75%

People prefer reading or listening to content in their language.


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50% or more

That’s the immediate traffic boost you can get by targeting multiple languages.

Successful Marketers Are Already Doing This

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Successful blogger and marketer Neil Patel increased his traffic 47% by just translating his blog into multiple languages.

This Is The Size of The Market That
Opens Up For You

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65 Million
US Audience

Foreign language speakers in the US who you can target immediately.

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741 Million
Europe Audience

The number of people living in Europe that you can target with their own language videos.

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800 Million
Asia Audience

Target speakers of Asian languages & bring them to your website.

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422 Million

South American Audience

Get more visitors, more traffic and more conversions from this fast growing market.

Total : Over 2 Billion People

The Trouble Is, Targeting This Market Can Be Slow, Painful & Frightfully Expensive

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Translators & Voice-Over artists will charge you a bomb

Have you ever tried getting a translation quote?

Bottomline. It’s expensive. Translating a single article can cost the north of $50, and commissioning a voice-over may set you back a couple of 100 dollars.

And that’s only for one language.

Do it the old way and you will never make profits.

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The wait is too long

When I got my app translated in 2001, working on just one language took up to 3 months. It took me three years to get all my target languages done.

There were so many hassles and issues that I am not sure I can do that all over again if I had to.

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It’s too much effort

Even if in some fanciful world you could spend that much and wait that long, the effort is too much.

Coordinating, communicating, planning. Working with multiple freelancers for different languages. It can take up all your day with very little results.

You Can't Make This Work If You Only Used Real People

But, Modern AI Tech Makes Things
Absolutely Simple & Affordable

Technology has helped businesses open up a lot of doors in recent times, and when the right tech appeared, we used to create something that will open up all the doors for you.

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Create Lifelike Voice-Overs on Auto

LinguaScribe integrates with all the cutting-edge audio & speech APIs to give you the life-like audio and voice quality.

Create articles narrations, audiobooks or even sales voice-overs with confidence.

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Translate Any Content Into Another Language

LinguaScribe’s powerful technology allows you to translate any content into any language you want.

  • Translate Text
  • Translate HTML
  • Translate Audio
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Convert Between Content Formats Easily

LinguaScribe supports conversions between all content formats seamlessly. No need to get 3 or 4 different apps.

  • Convert Text into Audio (From any language to any language)
  • Convert audio to text (From any language to any language)
  • Convert audio into audio (Into a different language)
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LinguaScribe Has The Best In Industry Voice-Over & Text To Speech Capabilities

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Convert Text Into Voice For Same Or Another Languages

LinguaScribe can convert your text into a voice-over in the same language in minutes.

Or if you want, you can first translate it and then convert it into a voice in another language. It’s easier and better with LinguaScribe.

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Biggest Range of Lifelike Voices

LinguaScribe integrates with all the voice AIs available and brings you 322 high quality voices.

You’ll get male and female voices, as well as voices that mimic different accents.

Yes! If you want a male voice speaking English in an european accent, you can do that with LinguaScribe!

Traffic Boosting Features You Can’t Find In Any Other Product At Any Price Point

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Integrates With All Top Language & Voice-Processing AIs

LinguaScribe is the only SAAS that integrates with all the top language and voice AI systems.

  • Google - Translation, Voice to Text & Text to Voice
  • Amazon - Translation, Voice to Text & Text to Voice
  • Microsoft Azure - Translation, Voice to Text & Text to Voice
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108 languages and 322 voices

With integration of every single platform out there, LinguaScribe brings you the biggest range of language and voice support.

  • Translate content between 108 languages seamlessly.
  • Transform text into voice for all of the major languages of the world.
  • Dozens of voice options per language (more than any other app)
  • Transform voice into text in all the major languages.
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Never spend hours and hours just converting your files

Unlike other text to voice apps, LinguaScribe is designed for automation.

You won't spend hours in repetitive conversions. Just set up your tasks once and convert in one-click forever.

Innovative Workflow Feature Saves Hours of Your Time

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LinguaScribe’s Unique workflow feature makes it easy for you to set up workflows. And whenever you feed your workflow a file. Just make it once and

Example Workflow

Take my English blog article

Step 1 : Convert to Spanish

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Step 2 : Make Spanish Audio

Step 3 : Convert to Italian

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Step 4 : Make Italian Audio

Step 5 : Convert to French

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Step 6 : Make French Audio

Output > Three audio files in Spanish, Italian & French

Next time you have a new blog artciles,
you get 3 new files on auto!

Ever expanding language & voice portfolio

New languages and voices every month!

With LinguaScribe you will have access to the biggest and fastest growing collection of voices for all your projects.

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Support for HTML pages too

Imagine feeding your landing page into LinguaScribe and getting a perfectly working copy out. You can upload it right away in the language of your choice!

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Take Simple Text Content & Turn It Into A Crowd-Pulling Magnet With A Click

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Transform Podcasts to articles & back

Got a podcast that you want to turn into an article?

With LinguaScribe it’s easy. Feed in any MP3 file into LinguaScribe and it will detect the audio and turn it into text.

What’s even better, you can then translate the text into another language and then convert it to audio again. Your new podcast in a different language is ready in just a click!

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Transform your advertising

Going to run ads? You can get a lot more clicks and landing page views if you target local languages.

Imagine the pattern interrupt when your target customer sees the ad in their own language.

Yes, they are going to click on it and they are going to read your landing page translated by LinguaScribe.

Get more lead, make more sales.

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Designed to explode your organic traffic

75% of all Internet users are using other languages, but only 45% of the content is in non-English.

This is a perfect opportunity to target and rank on the money keywords with your site.

Just transform your articles, audios, videos into other languages and start getting traffic.

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Give your visitors more reason to stick around

⭕ You’ve got a blog? Give your visitors an audio version they can listen to while they are on the move.

⭕ Got a YouTube channel? Give your audience a PDF version of your transcript. Let them read.

Give everyone a reason to stick to you and not go to your competition.

Take Simple Text Content & Turn It Into A Crowd-Pulling Magnet With A Click

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Completely Automated Yet Flexible

LinguaScribe gives you the choice between 100% automation and full control.

You can choose to automatically convert between languages and formats. Or you can keep the control yourself.

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Super Easy To Use!

Designed by veterans with 20 years of experience in software production. You get a well-designed, superbly usable package that works just as you expect it to.

No learning curves, no wasted hours. Everything is laid out in a simple and accessible manner.

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Use it anywhere, even on the mobile

LinguaScribe is on the web and will go with you wherever you want. It’s 100% mobile compatible and you can use it on a PC or even on a mobile without any hassles.

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Got Audio? Video? Text?
LinguaScribe Will Take Any Workload Happily
& Remain Low-Cost And Responsive

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Take Any Text File & Convert It

 Into Voiceover of Any


LinguaScribe is the only voice-over

system that will allow you to translate

 your content into any language


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Take Any Audio File & Convert

Into Text of Any Language

No need to feel stuck if you start with a

voice recording. You can convert it into

audio of any language or make articles

out of it.

The Easiest Organic Traffic Boost You’ll Ever Get This Year

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Feed It!

Feed LinguaScribe
audio or text

Voiceover Or Translation

Translate It!

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Reap It!

Watch the traffic
flow in from fresh

Point & Click Easy, You Don’t Need To Be
A Wizard of Anythings

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Powerful Dashboard

See a bird’s eye view of all your conversion

tasks in one place. See what tasks are done

and what are scheduled.

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Job Workflow

Create Job workflows of repeated

conversions and the next time you can do

 one-click conversions even for multiple

voices and languages.

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Group Tasks in Gigs

Create multiple voice-overs & translations

together using gigs. Track your conversion

tasks and download everything from one


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Convert Text To Speech

Quickly convert text into speech choosing

 from a plethora of voices and get your

 audio file instantly.

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Convert Speech To Text

Want to turn a video into text? It’s easy with LinguaScribe. Create transcripts or articles

 from your videos easily in many languages.

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Translate Text

Convert articles and webpages into other languages. Select from 100s of languages to convert between.

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Credit Management

Keep track of how many conversions you’ve done and the credits you’ve used up. Also get more credits.

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See details of successful and failed

conversion tasks all in one place.

Stop Limiting Your Traffic & Sales

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  • Stop being invisible to 75% of Internet users.
  • Stop competing only in an oversaturated market.
  • Stop appearing last in search results.
  • Stop not ranking for targeted keywords you could easily rank for.
  • Stop paying a ton for voice-overs and narrations.
  • Stop letting your marketing and business become obsolete.
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Start Growing Faster & Keeping Your Profits

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  • Start getting as many leads and sales as you hope for without any pressure or worries.
  • Start welcoming a global audience to your business.
  • Start ranking for money keywords that you never imagined you could rank for.
  • Start saving money on voice-overs and get high quality results without excuses.
  • Start capturing traffic from articles, podcasts, videos and every other medium.
  • Start saving time and effort when you need to create voice-overs, or translations.
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Limited Time Offer

Get LinguaScribe & We’ll Also Give You The Training To Maximize Your Traffic

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Tools are fantastic but tools + knowing how to use them is SUPERB!

Buy LinguaScribe today and we will also give you powerful video marketing training that will show you how to use language marketing for powerful results.

Use the software, learn the training and you’ll get 3x or 4x the results from LinguaScribe Elite.

Make use of this limited time offer and grab LinguaScribe because the training is going to be a paid add-on not long from now.

Built by a top marketer, this comprehensive video training starts from scratch, guiding you through the principles of ranking videos and telling you every little trick and secret you need to know.

The worth of this training alone is more than what we’re asking for the software + training.

Don’t miss the opportunity to revolutionize your business performance.

Limited Time Offer #2

Also Get Commercial Rights
& Use LinguaScribe For Your Clients

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Every single site owner, blog owner and even offline business owner is looking to be found online and now you can help them using LinguaScribe.

Get LinguaScribe now and you will also get a Commercial License which authorizes you to do language based marketing for your clients.

Do their voice-overs, translations, and create their content in multiple languages.

You can even transform their landing pages and sites into any language you want.

Charge them for the service or even give them away free as an add-on to your existing marketing offers.

5 Powerful Ways To Get Sales With
LinguaScribe Commercial Rights

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Sell language

 translation services to

 site owners and

translate their landing



Create voice-overs and narrations for clients.

For their videos.


Create podcasts and

voice-overs for client’s

 blog articles and web content.


Transcribe their videos

and audio files into the language of their

choice and create



Sell audiobook making services. Create audiobooks from

ebooks and offer to

your clients as lead magnets.


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AI Platforms

All Leading

Mostly 1, or 2

Text Translations


Audio to Audio translations

Audio to text transcription



Automated Conversions

Life-like voices

Support for Gigs

Growing Voice Collection

Support for SSML


High speed conversions

Multi-platform tasks

HTML Translations

Quality Support

Commercial license



Payment Gateways

And, If You Don’t Exploit This,
Your Competition Will

Like we said, businesses will be forced to change and compete online, and you can still tap into the huge pool of multilingual leads. Don’t waste this opportunity to run an entire multilingual agency with our groundbreaking technology doing all the work. If you don’t use this, a competitor will and steal your monthly paying clients.

Grab Your Language Traffic Before Your Competition Takes It Away Too

Get LinguaScribe & Get Traffic From
Every Corner Of The World

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LinguaScribe Elite Yearly Payment

Features Include

Commercial Rights

A.I. Powered Translation (100+ Languages)

Mass Workflow Technology
(200 Workflows a Month)

100+ Life-Like Voices

Translate & Record Unlimited

Advanced Transcription Technology

Advanced Voiceover Technology

Text-to-Speech, Speech-to-Text,
or Speech-to-Speech Ability

SAAS Works Anywhere

Life-Like Voiceovers, Automated Translations & Transcriptions

Agency Rights Included

108 Languages, 322 Voices

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One-time price is only during the sale. It’ll go to yearly recurring with a hefty price increase right after the sale ends.

You need organic traffic if you’re really serious about your business. That’s the only way to get traffic long-term without paying every day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How does the credits system work? Can I buy credits?

We’ve installed the most sophisticated and realistic voice AIPs into LinguaScribe to help make your voiceovers amazing. You can buy credits from inside your dashboard.

Q. I already have a voiceover app? Why do I need to put my old one aside for this one?

LinguaScribe is the only one that can translate, transcribe, and voiceover content all-in-one including text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and speech-to-speech abilities. Plus, it has the most life-like sounding voiceovers, and best AI translation technology for grammatically correct translations.

If that wasn’t enough, it’s the only one that can automate the creation of mass content. Create tons of transcriptions and records, videos, podcasts, and more AT ONCE in many different languages.

Do I need a special Computer or OS?

No, this is a web app. It will run on Mac, PC, Linux, Chromebook and even your mobile phone.

Q. How many languages does it support?

100s! In fact all the major and even minor languages are covered. We have integrations with all the major AI services, so you’ll always have the biggest list.

Q. How many voices do you have?

The most! Remember, we support all the AI services. We bring you the largest collection of voices ever.

Q. Can I sell this as a service?

Sure! Your commercial license authorizes you to do that.