Amazon & Shopify Are Screwing You…
World's First App That Let Us Crush
eCom WITHOUT Creating A Store…
And Bank $458.42 Per Day With "Super eCom Funnels"…
“Launch Your Own eCom Super Funnels With WINNING Products
In 60 Seconds WITHOUT Creating A Single Store or Shopify”
No Inventory - No Upfront Cost - No Product Research - No Delivery Hassle

Get Proto And Join A New Era Of eCom
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo

What Amazon Does Is
Imagine for a moment that you decided to sell a couple of things on amazon…
Maybe a mug, charging cable, or even a POD t-shirt.
You started with ZERO sales…
But you keep on working harder and harder…
Until you finally got a winning product that makes you decent money…
Do you celebrate?
I wouldn’t recommend that…
Because… my friend…

You’re In For A
As soon as you find a winning product…
Amazon will step in…
And use all the data they have about your store (trust me, it's a lot of data)
To create an identical product and screw you
They have a HUGE edge over you…
In other words… You’re screwed.
Good luck trying to compete with a $1.4 TRILLION company
The Jig Is Up…
Amazon Dark Secrets Exposed…
Amazon doesn’t care about ANYTHING other than profits…
Even at your own cost… the cat is out of the bag…
The world is catching up to Mr.Bezos scheme…
Here is a report from The Hill, talking exactly about it…

Maybe you think thats just one article and it doesn’t mean anything…
Here is yet another one from Reuters launching a huge investigation on that subject…

And if all of that wasn’t enough…
Here is Mr.Bezos’s hearing in the U.S. Congress
because Amazon is under investigation for alleged anti-competitive business practices…
Not Just in the United States… But in Europe AND India too…

And here is WallStreetJournal take on the issue

I can go on and on about this… But that would be wasting your time… Fact is…
Amazon destroyed the eCom space as we know it…
Well, unless you have billions of dollars to compete with amazon…lol
I know you’re thinking now…
What is the solution?
Maybe Using Shopify
Is The Solution…?
You would think that… I hate to be the bearer of bad news…
But if you try your luck with Shopify…
You are destined to fail…

Shopify Is No better…

They created a platform that they can 100% control…
As if we’re living in communist Russia. The majority of their stores are either:
They lure newbies in with “cheap” monthly subscriptions
But then you find out that almost any feature you want… Requires a new plugin which costs a monthly subscription…
Your monthly bill will quickly add up to hundreds if not thousands of dollars a month…
And that’s exactly what they want… For you to pay monthly… Doesn’t matter if you make money or not…
You Can See It With Your Own Eyes In Their OWN FORUM
Hundreds if not thousands of PAID members
Screaming and crying blood about not getting any sales…

No wonder Shopify stock has lost more than 80% of its value
Sadly, that's Where we at right now…
Is eCom Dead…?

Maybe not “dead”
But the regular way of running eCom is 100% outdated and expensive...
So, unless you have maybe $10,000+ to invest. You shouldn’t try eCom this way
It's exactly the same as flushing money down the toilet. (well, maybe flushing the money is better, at least it might be fun to watch)
We simply don’t have the resources nor the experience
To compete with Amazon, Shopify or eBay…
It’s a losing battle…
HOWEVER… What if I told you there is a way to actually take advantage of all of that…
And use it to our own advantage to make a ridiculous amount of money…

A Way To Tap Into
Global Market
Can you believe it?
eCom is valued at over 9 TRILLION USD
That’s an unbelievably large number…
Bigger than the entires countries budget…
No wonder all the big brands are scrambling to launch their ecom business
And that makes it hard for newbies to get in…
However, there is a secret way that I discovered…
A Brand New Way
To Do eCom

I’m not talking about some secret loophole…
Or an old, outdated method... that will make you couple hundred dollars a month at best…
I’m talking about a revolutionary way to do eCom.
That CRUSHES Amazon, Shopify, and eBay combined…
An easy, faster, and more profitable way that converts 10x better than the normal way of running eCom…
And best of all
And it works like gangbusters
You’re Just 4 Clicks Away
From Replicating Our Proto Success

Step 1
Click any of the buy button on this page to get instant access to Proto at an unheard of discount

Step 2
Select From Hundreds Of Winning Products That Is Guaranteed To Make Us Money.

Step 3
Turn On
Turn on the Auto-traffic option. And let Proto do its thing

Step 4
Profit (Yup… Thats it)
This New Way Allowed Us To
Bank $100,000+ Per Month
Despite Amazon & Shopify Working Against Us…

And here is the best part… That our net profit… not revenue…
Meaning… profit after all expenses.
Wouldn’t you wish you can do that too?
Here's The Issue Tho…
The Traditional eCom Is Outdated
I remember the day I decided to get into eCom.
Gurus made it look so easy.

Setup Your Shopify Store

Add Some Plugins

Get Some Cheap Products From Alibaba
And people will KILL to buy your products. Sounds familiar?
Well, I did exactly that… And you know how much I made after full 9 months?
13 sales… which made me less than $10 in profit after all the fees
Yup! And most of it were just my family member trying to support my “new business”. I was devastated…
And To Make Matter Worse…
You Have To Pay Ridiculously
High Monthly Fees!
Shopify Isn’t free…
Although they make it seems like it’s super affordable… It’s actually not, not at all
For starter..
You need a good theme if you want your store to look even remotely professional. That alone can cost you about $300
After that… You will realise that you need tons of plugins to make your store works

From adding reviews, upsells, fullfilment, popups, and many many more
You will end up paying HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS every single month
Just to keep your store running
And that doesn’t include the cost of promoting the store…

And Don’t Get Me Started On
The Nightmare Of Promoting Your Store!
Get ready to drop thousands of dollars on ads…
To “test” your products and optimize store… And if you’re lucky enough
You will find your winner after only spending maybe $2,000 - $5,000
Its almost like this system was designed for the rich only who can afford to invest tens of thousands into it…

Huge Monthly Fees
Will Bankrupt You!
Shopify monthly bill will quickly add up…
On average, to run a moderate store with limited success.
You will have to pay on average $1,200 EVERY MONTH
Regardless if you make money or not…
And on top of that, Shopify will charge you a fee on every sale…
It's absurd

“But What About
I almost get PTSD just remembering amazon…
This platform is a joke…
Even after going through all the hoops
You need to order bulk products and send it to their warehouse
Which is -you guessed it- cost a small fortune
Worst of all, you will have to do it blindly
And if you managed to get a winner
Get ready for Mr.Bezos to get the same exact product to out-compete you
And knock you out of the search results…
I Was Ready
To Give Up…
Think about it
Whats the point in trying a system that is literally designed to make me fail?
I was ready to cut my losses and just call it quit
And maybe get a regular 9 to 5 job
Accept that maybe im not meant to the free lifestyle I always wanted…
One Day… I Discovered
Super eCom Funnels

I will forever remember this day. As the day that changed everything…
I was browsing forums and blogs randomly at 3:21 AM
Trying to find a way to make this work
Where I stumbled upon a comment on a forum from a well-know guru
And for legal reasons I can’t reveal his name… But basically he mentioned that traditional eCom were dead…
And something called “Super eCom Funnel” is the way to go
What made me furious was this. This comment was at least a year old
And to this day he keep teaching how to do eCom “the old” way - Setup Stores, Shopify, Amazon - Bla Bla Bla

That’s When It Hit Me…
The Gurus Are Hidding Something!
I quickly sent him a message asking him “what the heck is a Super eCom Funnel”
And of course… He denied to know anything about that
Shortly after, that comment got deleted…
He knew the way to make money online…
But he deliberately mislead us into buying his courses on how to do it the wrong way…

It Took Me A Good Year
But I Figured It Out
I kept scouring the internet day and night…
Looking through old forums…
Reading hundreds of blogs
Listening to podcasts 24/7
Trying to piece together the puzzle
Until I had a complete and clear picture about the “Super eCom Funnel”

Only One Issue…
It was too slow for my liking…
I had to do a lot of work to get it to work
And being the lazy person I’m
I didn’t like that,
So, I took that money I made
And hired the best team money can get

I Automated
The Entire Process
Every single step…
Now, I don’t even have to research any products, source for suppliers, or deliver any product manually.
I had a system that do everything for me
Everything Is Done For Me…

Every day, I get a list of PROFITABLE products to sell
Each product has a huge margin (at least $100 per sale)
ِAnd here is the beauty of it…
All of these products are guaranteed to make me money.
And if you’re wondering
“How do you promote these products?”
I don’t…
Proto does it for me on autopilot

By Auto - Ranking My Products #1 in Google, Without Me Lifting A Finger…
Google is the biggest traffic source on the planet.
And Proto figured a way to rank ALL my super eCom funnels. On the first page of google. Without even writing a word.
That alone gets me hundreds of sales daily…
And if that wasn’t enough…

Proto Built-in Features Get Me Thousands Of Laser-targeted Buyers
Thousands of buyers rush every day to my super eCom funnels.
They scramble to pull their credit cards and buy my products.
All of that WITHOUT spending a penny on ads
Everything is done for me on autopilot.

eCom Super Funnel
Instantly Launch Your First eCom Super-Funnels Converts 10x Better Than Shopify & Amazon

Daily Fresh Products
Instantly Launch Your First eCom Super-Funnels Converts 10x Better Than Shopify & Amazon

Multilingual Support
Instantly turn your super-funnel into different languages

International Buyers
Get hot buyers from all tier 1 countries with a click of a button

DFY Ads and videos
DFY ads and templates for each product to use

Integrate FB Pixel
Connect your Facebook pixel to retarget all your customers with more products

Connect Your Autoresponder
Instantly connect your AR to start building your buyers list.

LIVE Whatsapp Chat
Leverage the power of Whatsapp to close more sales

DFY Emails
DFY emails that you can use instantly to promote more products to your list

Accept Payments
Accept payments with paypal, stripe, or any other payment method

Auto Fulfil Order
1-Click, Express Auto Fulfil Orders Delivery Technology

Social Proof
Show Real-Time Buyers & Skyrocket Sales

One-Page Checkout
Smart One-Page Checkout Technology

1-Click Upsell Tech With Exit Popup
Add Upsell + Exit Popup To Your Super-Funnels & 3x Revenue Per Order

High Converting Templates
3x Sales With Our Stunning Templates

Domain Integration
Integrate your domain with Proto in few easy steps.
And Today… You Can Get Your Hands On The Same Exact System
I N T R O D U C I N G...

First Market App That Creates 3-in-1 eCom Super Funnels That Crushes Amazon, Shopify, And eBay Combined…
“Launch Your First eCom Super Funnels With WINNING Products In 60 Seconds WITHOUT Creating A Single Store or Shopify” - Enjoy Daily Profits

“The Old Way”
Is No Longer Viable…
Look, lets be honest here…
The old way of selling products online is “outdated & doesn’t convert” to say the least…
If you wanna try it… its up to you
But why do that…
When there is a brand new way
That literally obliterate Amazon, Shopify & eBay together
And produce results on daily basis…

Say Goodbye
To Expensive Monthly Payments!
You no longer need to pay for overpriced apps like Shopify.
Or to get your hard work stolen from you like Amazon.
Instead, you can choose a much much better path…
Say Hello To
Super eCom Funnels
Proto is the World’s First App that Creates High Converting Super eCom Funnels
That Convert 10x Better Than The Regular Shopify Stores & Amazon
With super eCom Funnels
We Were Able To Go From This:

How Does It Work?
Proto uses 4 steps eCom super funnels
That sells ANY product like ice cold lemonade in a hot summer day…
Looks simple… right?
Well, you are not wrong
It does “look” simple…
But don’t underestimate what happens on the background…
Because my friend…

Proto use the power of A.I. to sell products
WITHOUT Ever Creating A Store
Instead, Proto capitalize on a new technology that the world has NEVER seen before…

How Is It Different?
Proto have access to billions of data points…
And it uses it to optimze the sales process
To the point that it FORCES the users to pull out their credit card and buys…
There is NOTHING on the market that can do that…
But the great part is…
It does all of that on the background Meaning…
You don’t have to lift a finger
Just let Proto do its thing on the backend
And watch the money roll in
Proto Includes EVERYTHING
You Will Need To
Replicate Our Business…

Proto App
State-of-the-art app that spits super eCom funnels that guarantees our success

Proto Multilingual Module
State-of-the-art app that spits super eCom funnels that guarantees our success

Proto 375M+ Traffic Vault
Instantly Connect To 375M+ HOT Buyers Traffic In Different Niches. Imagine how much money could be made selling products to this traffic…(Zero Cost)

Proto Ads Vault
Instant Access To Hundreds Of Proven To Convert Ads Creativity For You To Scale Your Products

Proto Mobile EDITION
This will allow you to also operate Proto, even from your mobile phone…
Whether it’s an Android, iPhone, or tablet, it will work…

Proto AR Integration
Connect Your Super eCom Funnel With Your Favorite Autoresponder With A Click Of A Button And Start Building Your List
Wondering How Much It Cost?
In simple words… Proto is PRICELESS…
It’s first to market app that does everything for you
Leaving one job to you… PROFIT.
I can literally charge tens of thousand of dollars for it.
But I make enough money from using proto
So I don’t need to charge you that
PLUS - I’d hate to be the same thing i’m fighting against… GREED.
So, for a limited time only…
I’m willing to give you full access to Proto. For a fraction of the price
Less than the price of a cheap dinner. Which is enough for me to cover the cost of the servers running Proto…

But That Won’t Last Long…
I don’t want Proto to get saturated…
So, sadly I’ll have to limit the amount of licenses I can give…
After that, I’m raising the price to $297 monthly
And trust me, that day will come very…VERY SOON
So you better act quickly and grab your copy while you can

Proto IS For You PERIOD
It was designed to be the life changing system that you been looking for…
Right now, you have the option to change your life
With just a few clicks
We created this for people exactly like you.
To help them finally breakthrough.
Worried what will happen if it didn’t work for you?

You don’t have a lot of time.
We will remove this huge discount once we hit our limit.
After that, you will have to pay $297/mo for it.
While it will still be worth it.
Why pay more, when you can just pay a small one time fee today and get access to everything?

So, Are You Ready Yet?
You reading this far into the page means one thing..
You’re interested.
The good news is, you’re just minutes away from your breakthrough
Just imagine waking up everyday to thousands of dollars in your account
Instead of ZERO.
Bad news is, it will sell out FAST
So you need to act now.
Ready to join us?