Are You Ready To Make Money Selling Your Own Info-Products Online?
"Get This Brand New, Done-For-You Private Label Rights Package You Can Sell As Your Own And Keep 100% Of The Profits!"
This Premium PLR Package Can Easily Save You Time and Earn You Profits!
Get This Ready-To-Go Product So You Can:
Start Making Money With YOUR Own Product While Bypassing The Hassle, Time, and Money Spent In The Actual Creation Process!
Dear Friend,
Whether you’re beginning online or you’ve got experience and are looking to make your internet business grow...
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this done-for-you product package is perfect for you!
The Sour Truth
The reality of the matter is that creating a product to sell is not as easy as some would like to believe.
First you have the product itself... You need to invest considerable time into the development and production if customers are going to take it seriously.
If you have no other income during this gestation process, you can quickly find yourself in a hole it seems impossible to escape from.
There’s a lot more to a product than simple creation.
You could easily lose weeks in market research, product planning, or even just establishing the specific bases your product should cover.
This is all time that you’re NOT making a profit!
Even if you know what you’re doing, there's a considerable number of hours necessary to invest in the thorough creation of a successful product.
If you’ve never created a product like that before, that number could increase three-fold.
Does this mean if you’re looking for a product to sell you should just give up?
Absolutely not!
Luckily for you, we have something that you’re going to love.
If You Want A Shortcut To Creating A Highly Profitable Info Product, Then You'll Definitely Need This!
I'd Like To Proudly Introduce You To...
"Video Marketing Profit Kit"
Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To a Thriving Business Using The Power of Video Marketing

In a nutshell, we’ve done all that hard work for you.
We have weaved our expert touch to develop a product that is ready to hit the market, basically all you need to do is to put your own branding on it and sell it to your customers.
All of the busy work that goes into creating a useful and informative product has already been done; you don’t need to worry about it.
All you need to do is sell it!
Do you want to know the really fantastic part?
You’re free to sell it in whichever way you please!
Once you’ve purchased the package it’s yours to pass forward onto your customers however you think they will best receive it.
The package will be all yours and you will be safe in the knowledge that all of the groundwork has not only been done, but that it has been done by experienced professionals.
The market research, the copy, the contents, the web development, the delivery method – all of this and more is done at the point of purchase!
You just need to:

You Get A Done-For-You Digital Product!
Just because you’re buying this product readymade, we don’t want you to think that you’re getting something that has been in anyway rushed or where any corners are cut.
We guarantee:
This is a product that we would be proud to sell ourselves – indeed we are proud to sell it to you!
This means you eliminate all worries of; if you missed a detail here or there, you can rest assured that the content you’re purchasing has been checked and revised to ensure both accuracy and professionalism.
Information is presented in a clear, informative, and accurate manner which will guarantee your customers’ appreciation!
All you need to do is make a few simple modifications to flavour the material in your own way, brand it as you see fit, then offer it up to the world.
Selling your own product has never been easier!
Here's Everything You’ll Get Instantly!
We’ve spoken about the background of this PLR product, now let’s tell you what you’re actually going to get when you hit that ‘Buy Now’ button.
Here is exactly what you will get instant access to:
MODULE 1: Expert Written Ebook

You get the 16,000+ word eBook “Video Marketing Profit Kit - Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To a Thriving Business Using The Power of Video Marketing” with full Private label Rights included!
This is a highly in-demand topic that your target audience will absolutely love.
It comes in "DOC" format so you can edit and re-brand it as you so desire...
Also included is the PDF version if you wanted to just resell it as-is.
Secure your copy and start making sales right away!
Take a look at the exquisite quality of the ebook below...

Visually Appealing Chapter Images Included!

Professionally Written 16,000+ Word Ebook!
MODULE 2: Follow Along Checklist

Everyone Loves Checklists!
This is the perfect SIDEKICK to the main eBook that your customers will highly appreciate.
This detailed checklist comes into play as soon as your customers finish going through the eBook.
With this they can follow a complete checklist that summarizes of all the important points from the eBook, in checkoff steps that's easy to digest and remember.
You customers can simply print and check off the points they have completed.
Step By Step, Follow Along Checklist!
MODULE 3: Resource CheatSheet

In this resource cheat sheet, you'll get a complete research report of tools, software and more!
It includes resources such as:
And since this comes with full PLR and is fully editable you can add your own resources, too!
You could add your own products or even affiliate products so you can boost your profits on the back-end!
Valuable Resources That Go Along With The Ebook!
MODULE 4: Mindmap

For the visual learners this mindmap will give an instant refresher of the actionable steps in the Ebook!
Instant VISUAL Refresher Of The Ebook's Main Points!
MODULE 5: High Converting Sales Minisite

Complete Minisite With Sales Pages & Legal Pages
This sales letter is proven to sell and will be the boon of your business...
It comes in three different formats so you can tweak it, change it up, do whatever you want.
The HTML version comes with a ready to go sales page and download page, ready to upload to your site.
Keep your credit card far away from uptown copywriters that charge thousands of dollars…
Your getting a professionally written Sales Letter and Download Page, say no more because its already been done for you!
On top of that we are also throwing in the accompanying legal pages to keep your website legit.
Add your name and order button, slap it up on your website and you can start selling right away!
High Converting Sales Letter + Download Page

MODULE 6: Promotional Email Swipes
Use these pre-written email swipes to get immediate sales from emailing your current subscribers.
Simply choose your choice of email swipe, pick a subject line, paste it all to your email manager (autoresponder) and you're done!
These swipes have been written with high conversion rates in mind so you will get the most out of this product.

Time Saving Email Swipes Pre-Written For You!
MODULE 7: Lead Magnet Report

"5 Tips To Successfully Market Your Business With Videos"
Simply share this 2,000+ word report as an incentive and watch your list grow at an incredibly quick pace.
These is a highly in-demand topic your target audience will absolutely love.
It comes in "DOC" format so you can edit and re-brand it as you so desire...
Also included is the PDF version if you wanted to give it away as-is.

Generate More Leads With This List Building Report!
MODULE 8: Lead Sucking Squeeze Page

You get the complete-setup starting with a ready-to-go squeeze page, email confirmation page and finally the thank you page / download page...
This squeeze page has a very clean and neat vibe about it. It's simple design is intended to give a feeling of trust to your potential subscribers.
Simply add your autoresponder form code to the opt-in page and start generating fresh leads!
All of the pages are Mobile Responsive which means they are perfectly view-able on all devices large and small.

3 Step System: Opt-in Page -> Confirmation Page -> Thank You Page
MODULE 9: 10 High Quality Articles
You get 10 top-notch articles around the same topic to use how you see fit... Each article is at least 400+ words in length.
You can use these articles for content on your blog to train and educate readers... Use them as a bonus, giveaway or freebie for your readers.
These articles come in MS Word DOC format for easy editing.

Top-Notch Articles That Compliment The Ebook!
MODULE 10: Professional Graphics Pack
This ready-made, high quality graphics pack is yours for the taking...
You get the Minisite Template, Flat Designs, eCover Graphics and buttons with fully layered PSD files.
PNG and PSD files are included!

Promotional Banner Ads!

These banner ads are specifically designed to attract clicks!
We've chosen the 5 most common sizes: 125 x 125, 160 x 600, 250 x 250, 300 x 250, 468 x 60
Each banner ad comes in 4 different formats: PNG, JPG, GIF & Layered PSD
Fully Layered Photoshop Files Included!
Special BONUSES For Taking Action Today!
Fast Action Bonus #1: Extra Squeeze Page Template
Leave No Lead Behind With The "CLEAN EXIT" Opt-in Page Template
Add this clean squeeze as an exit page to your other sites and when visitors leave they get sent to this page. It is very clean and straight to the point to reduce confusion thus your visitors will know exactly what they need to do...
Generate as many leads as possible with this Fully Mobile Responsive, minimal design squeeze page.

Catch Visitors Attention On EXIT With This Clean Design!
Fast Action Bonus #2: Promotional Feature Box Graphic
Use Other Vendors Download Pages To Your Advantage
This feature box graphic promotes the Lead Magnet above giving you even more ways to get new subscribers on your list and convert them into customers! Use it on your thank you pages for other products.
You can even offer it to other vendors to use as a bonus on their thank you pages.
Size: 600 x 600px
Formats: JPG, PNG & PSD File also included for editing.

Have Other Product Vendors Build YOUR List For You!
Fast Action Bonus #3: Additional 10 Headline Swipes
10 Opt-In Headline Swipes To Increase Conversion Rates
Use these pre-written headline swipes on the opt-in page to increase conversions.
You can use them for split testing. You can even change them up and use them for your other squeeze pages if you like, it is really up to you since you are getting the Private Label Rights to all 10!
These alternate headlines have been written with high conversion rates in mind so you will get as many new leads/subscribers as possible.

Increase Your Subscriber Rate With These 10 Alternate Headlines!
Fast Action Bonus #4: Secret Free Graphics Guide
My Secret "Guide To Finding Free Graphics & Images" Report!

You've heard the phrase "An image tells a thousand words"... and it's true!
You're going to need quality, commercially available images for your products and any content you create in the future.
This invaluable resource will aid you in finding what you need..
Use This As A Map To Find FREE Images & Graphics For Your Products!
Fast Action Bonus #5: Fast Start Training Videos
Get My Over The Shoulder Fast Start Video Tutorials

Set your product up in no time at all with these click by click, over the shoulder video tutorials.
When you dive into these in-depth training videos you'll find out exactly how to customize the core contents of the PLR product you're getting instant access to.
You'll also discover how to re-brand everything to make it unique to you!
Video 1: Free Editing TOOLS You Can Use
Video 2: Overview of Your Private Label Product Folders
Video 3: Editing The Mini-Site Template With Photoshop
Video 4: Editing BUTTON Images With Photoshop
Video 5: Editing The Ebook inside MS Word
Video 6: Editing The Sales Page with Kompozer
Video 7: Editing The SQUEEZE Page with Kompozer
Video 8: Adding A PayPal Button To Your Salespage
Video 9: Upload Files To Your Domain Using FTP
Use These Product Set-Up Tutorials To Fast Track Your Progress!
Use These Product Set-Up Tutorials To Fast Track Your Progress!
10 Quick Ways You Can INSTANTLY Use It!
So the obvious way is to repackage and sell this as an individual product, but, this PLR package is perfect for everyone even if you ALREADY HAVE a product!
Here’s 10 different ways this PLR package could be used:
1. Offer it as a bonus to your existing product – over-delivery builds customer appreciation.
2. Share example content on your social media platforms to give customers a taste of what they’ll get.
3. Establish a 7 day e-course; you already have the content you simply need to split it up appropriately.
4. Divide the content into 2 or maybe even 3 smaller reports, to spread your earning capability.
5. Use the materials as a part of a coaching/curriculum program; the content is accurate and education friendly.
6. Have the content translated into other languages to increase your earning power in other markets.
7. Make it even more valuable and in depth by using it as a spring board for including your own content.
8. Present it as a benefit to paying members if you have them, as a bonus to thank them for their loyalty.
9. Turn the contents into a physical presentation or a speech, or even use it as inspiration for a physical product.
10. Offer the content as a weekly subscription service over the course of a year, that’s 52 weeks of profit.
That’s More Than Enough Ways To Make Some Good Money… But I’d Like To Make It Even Easier For You So That You Can Make Great Money Right Away!
So you can see, whether you plan to simply put your logo on the content and sell it as it is, or you intend to get more creative with your delivery method, you have free reign!
Once you buy this product, you own it - completely.
It’s yours to do with as you please, whether you want to give it away as a bonus to another purchase or turn it into an educational program, you can do it!
Now, How Much It Costs
Usually when money is concerned we’re inclined to close our eyes and grit our teeth, you may be thinking that all this material at your fingertips is going to cost you the earth.
But, relax! It’s actually very affordable.
You get this entire package for a mere $37.00!
That’s right, you get all of the:
Frequently Asked Questions
Great effort has been made to explain the product as clearly as possible, but here are a few FAQs to further clear up any worries you may have.
Q- What Can I Do With It?
Almost Anything!
In short, the product is yours to do with what you please except for reselling the Private Label Rights.
Whether you want to repackage it as subscription content, a presentation, a video series, make it more detailed, or you simply want to put your branding on it and sell it straight; you’re free to do it.
Q- Is The Text In Native English?
All of the copy you will find in this PLR product has been written by a native English speaker.
Simple, intuitive understanding is essential and we will not settle for less, as such our materials are written by native speakers with a strong grasp of language and communication.
Q- Where Do I Begin?
Included with your purchase are quick start instructions to help you get going. We wouldn’t dream of simply leaving you in the cold and making you find your own way.
You’ll find intuitive instructions included to help you get your bearings and make a start selling.
So Make Sure You Act Today!
Opportunities like this don’t come often, grab it with both hands.
Remember you’re getting a COMPREHENSIVE PLR product here that is a complete blank canvas for you to do with what you please.
Whether you want to rebrand it for maximum ease and convenience, or use it as the basis for your own materials, you will be guaranteed to profit!
And you get all of this for just $37.00!
That is an incredible deal you just can’t afford to wait on.
Don’t let someone else take advantage and offer this content to their
customers before you get the chance to offer it to yours.
This is a MINIMAL INVESTMENT that is sure to yield MAXIMUM RETURNS!
Making it yours couldn’t be easier; all you need to do is click below:
Order The Full PLR RIGHTS To The 'Video Marketing Profit Kit' PLR Package Today Before The Price Goes Up!
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"Video Marketing Profit Kit" PLR Package:
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