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Unlock The Supercharged Version Of Viral Dashboard - The Pro Edition

Put Your Social Media Management
On Complete Autopilot AND
Automate 30 Days Of Content
In Just 5 Seconds

Watch This Video To Learn How

Upgrade To 'Viral Dashboard PRO' Now
for Just $97/month, $77/month

Get Results That Are…
Faster. Bigger. Better.

[Pro tip: Charge Your Clients EXTRA For This Feature]

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Never Worry About Manually Posting
Anything Ever Again

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Increase Your Conversions With Bigger Reach & Consistency

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Boost Your Monthly Income by Taking On MORE Clients

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More Clicks And Engagement More Often With Less Effort

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Explode Your Sales & Profits!

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1-Click Social Media Post Scheduler

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Save Time. Save Effort. Save Hassles.


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‘Social Automation Triggers’

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WordPress To
Social Channels Trigger

Connect your WordPress blogs to auto schedule and publish your content to your social media in seconds!

Viral Dashboard 
picks the latest content from your blog and automatically posts it on your connected social channels without lifting a finger!

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RSS Feeds To
Social Media Trigger

Use this trigger to connect any RSS feed from any blog type you’re using (blogger, WP, Tumblr etc.) and auto-schedule and publish to your social media channels in seconds.

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Content Sources To
Social Channels Trigger

Find quotes, memes, gifs, images from your selected topics and post them automatically to any social media channel in 1-click.

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Video To Social Media Triggers

Once You Connect Your Favorite Video Platforms With ViralDashboard, Every Video
You Upload, Will Automatically Be Published To Your Social Media Channels!

YouTube to Social Media Trigger

Connect YouTube channels with viral dashboard to automatically publish and schedule new videos to your social media channels

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Vimeo to Social Media Trigger

Connect your Vimeo account to automatically publish and schedule new videos to your social media channels

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Motvio to Social Media Trigger

If you have a Motvio account, you can connect it here and all your new videos will be published automatically to all your social media profiles

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Wistia to Social Media Trigger

Connect your Wistia account to automatically schedule & publish new videos to social media

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eCom Platforms To
Social Media Triggers

Just Connect Your eCommerce Accounts And Automatically
Publish To Your Social Media Channels!

Schedule product updates, new articles, videos or blog post announcements directly from Viral Dashboard. Save hours of time with this simple feature!

When you connect your store to ViralDashboard, all your feeds will be syndicated from your store/site and they will be inserted into ViralDashboard.

Once this is done, you can create a social trigger for your connected channel/store. ViralDashboard will then pick ONE New Article from the store connected feed and post it to your social media channel.

Shopify to Social Media Trigger

Connect your Shopify account to automatically publish and schedule new product listings, updates, blogs to your social media channels

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WooCommerce to Social Media Trigger

Connect your WooCommerce account to automatically publish and schedule new product listings updates, articles, blogs to your social media channels

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Dropshiply to Social Media Trigger

Whenever you or your team add a new product to your Dropshiply store, a post, an article or an update, it will be automatically published to your social media channels!

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eBay to Social Media Trigger

Connect your eBay account to automatically schedule new product updates, listings, blogs, announcements to your social
media in 1-click

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Etsy to Social Media Trigger

Connect your Etsy account to curate from your store and automatically schedule new product updates, listings, blogs, articles in a flash

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Beta-Users Reported That
The PRO Version Is Crucial To:

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Scale & Grow Your
Business Rapidly

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Stand Out From Competition and Even Other ViralDashboard Members

(esp. when you’re also providing Content & Social Media Management as a service to your clients)

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Boosting Profits By Saving More Time
For Other Aspects of Your Business

Why Settle For Small One-Time Deals
When You Can Have
Recurring Income For Years To Come?

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Reliable extra income every month and new clients are the big reasons behind every successful marketer.

To ensure a recurring income, you need long-term clients that need consistent results.

When you manage everything manually for your business and your clients…

… you’re bound to drop the ball at some point.

And that could easily mean losing a paying client.

ViralDashboard is designed for those looking for long-term, recurring payment clients and serious agencies.

ViralDashboard PRO Establishes
YOU As An Authority

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Potential clients will look at you as an expert in social media management when you show them that
you can automate their content to be posted from their blogs straight to their social media.

Once they see how sophisticated the tools you use are – they will trust you more and pay you your
asking price without blinking an eye.

If You Land Just One More Client from the
PRO Version, Then it Paid for Itself

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All you need is one extra client from the PRO version to make this upgrade profitable.

The only reason you wouldn’t upgrade was if you’re simply not going to use the software at all.

The more value you can bring to your business & prospects,
the more rapidly your business grows.